Office -> Fish room conversion


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 2, 2023
I'm working on turning my home office into a fish room. My plan is to have a rack with a 180 gallon as the centerpiece, turn my current 90 gallon community tank into the sump down on the concrete, then either get some short tanks like UNS 60s or build some tanks myself for the top shelf to house the nano fish and shrimp. Please enjoy this ridiculously realistic rendering I made. Green is supply line, red is drain. Obviously the aquaponic planter part is not to scale 🙂

Officeponics Front View-2 2.jpg

I've ripped out the carpet, the only room in the basement that had carpet. Pretty nasty underneath with a bunch of adhesive.


I tried using every type of adhesive dissolver and scraper I could find, but I eventually had to get a diamond wheel for my grinder and grind the whole thing. It was horrible, and I hope I never have to do this again.

I've painted concrete before, and it never holds up, so I decided to go with a dye/acid etch from Direct Colors. It eventually worked out well, but I had some issues initially. The dye soaked into some parts more than others even though it had been ground down, leading to this elephant skin like effect when you look close.

I just kept putting on more and more dye until it eventually became more or less even. I think it took 7 coats instead of the two they claim. Each time spraying with a pump sprayer then backrolling. This is progress, but far from finished.


Then I applied some polish and let it cure. It was very sensitive for about a week, but I'm finally happy with how well it holds up. After that, I was finally ready to start on the stand. The legs are two 2x4s glued and screwed, and the long span is two 2x6s glued and screwed. All screws are structural GRK screws with a shear strength of ~1000lbs.

Added some plywood on the back and the top shelf. Will probably add another sheet on the middle back to help prevent racking.

I got a 180 gallon tank used for a decent price that will be the centerpiece tank. I still need to vinyl the back.


Still not positive about a stocking list for the main tank. Currently leaning toward an Oscar, an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, a couple Geophagus Sveni, Red Spot Gold Severum, some Silver Dollars, and likely some sort of pleco or catfish or maybe a bichir because my 10 year old son really wants something eel-like. AQ Advisor puts me at 104% even with an ornate bichir included in that list, so I should be fine since I'll have all the extra filtration with the terrestrial plants.

The small tanks up top will house my existing CPD, shrimp, corys, tiny plecos, and some other nano fish. I'm waffling back and forth on whether I want to tie them into the sump too. I would like the additional water volume, but I don't love trying to keep shrimp inside the tank with my current sump. Even if I didn't fish them out, they're proliferating, so maybe the sump just becomes a skittle tank.




Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Mar 30, 2020
I feel your pain. I ground my basement floor by hand to do an epoxy floor. I'm glad I did it but I think I would pay someone if I did it again.
Fish Room looks good.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 2, 2023
Yea, the amount of dust was unbelieveable even with the shopvac hooked up. Thankfully I wore a good respirator and goggles. If I had a floor grinder instead of a hand held angle grinder, I'd maybe consider doing the rest.

Thanks. Can't wait to get the tank on it and get some fish in it.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 2, 2023
Took a little longer than expected, but I'm finally getting close to up and running.

Grow tubes: 4" pvc with 3" holes drilled 6" apart. Ran painters tape to make sure I drilled a (relatively) straight line. Dog tax: paid.


1.5" of slope over 6'. The final 18" of pvc is clear so I can see what the root system looks like.


Aquaponics fully plumbed now. 1.5" supply and return lines. Return slopes all the way back to the tank. 180 on the middle rack, 90 sump underneath. 40 gallon quarantine (currently my nano community tank) on the bottom right.


On to the aquascape. I wanted to do a sunken forest kind of theme. Used 316 stainless screws to attach slate to the bottom of each log and the hollow stump.


Searched for ages to find a hollow log that would be big enough to house something taller bodied like an Oscar or Red Spotted Severum. Finally found one on a local creek bank. Took a reciprocating saw on my bike and hauled home the chunk I wanted on my handlebars. It was not fun, but it was worth it. Not sure how long it'll hold up, but I'll be very happy while it does. Even a big slate piece wasn't enough to weigh this down, so I had to throw a couple rocks inside of it for the time being.


Filling the tank from my 330 gallon outdoor aquaponic setup. Plumbed a hose to the outdoor system in order to water around the yard. It worked great for this case too.


I only have a 4ft light right now so it only lit up 60% of the tank, but I liked the spooky/blackwater vibe it put off on the right side. The aquascape isn't done yet. I'll be adding a few more logs to the left side and probably some flat rocks. I just didn't want to overcrowd it at first. Water is still pretty cloudy from filling. I picked up 4 juvenile Geophagus Sveni from a LFS, and they're in another tank waiting for this one to be cycled.



Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada

It's a single pump in the sump that goes to both the 180 and the aquaponics. I have valves on both supply lines, so I can regulate the flow that way.
Thank goodness! The original "ridiculously realistic rendering" :) seems to indicate that the entire output of the pump was expected to flow through the aquaponics pipe. That would have been...bad...

Nice find on that piece of hollow wood; I know I would have veered across multiple lanes of traffic if I came upon that in my wanderings. :) And nice work on the construction of that stand as well.

Now, just one observation here that is probably too late for you to consider at this stage,'d better be sure that you really, really, really like your choices of hardscape, because you have very little space above the tank to even reach in and work, let alone add or remove big rocks or chunks of wood. I hope I'm wrong, but I've had a number of set-ups with limited overhead space like yours, and they all became sources of frustration, usually sooner than later.

Following along with interest! :thumbsup:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 2, 2023
jjohnwm jjohnwm So far I'm having trouble dialing down the flow enough for the aquaponics since its inlet sits higher than the inlet for the 180 gallon. I think I'll be able to get it right, but it's going to take a little tuning.

The log obviously had to go in beforehand, but I've been able to add all the logs after the fact. This is probably largely due to the fact that they're pretty straight, but I was even able to get them in w/ the slate attached, so I will still be able to get some large-ish pieces in. I obviously will have a hard time replacing/adding a centerpiece, but if worse comes to worst, I can pop off the top and have full access. I really would like to avoid that though, lol.
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
That big piece on the right looks like an ancient sea creature ready to devour!!
I didn't see that at first...but now that I've read this comment, I can't look at it without seeing that! :)

M mrPickles , if you can't get the trickle through the hydroponics just right, you might consider getting a second, very small pump and dedicating it to that use. The whole idea is too good not to make it work. :)
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