Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
I recovered from a years long mistake in fishkeeping yesterday. I never should have bought sailfin plecos on the LFS’s claim that they were only likely to become 9” long. I knew he was lying but hope springs eternal….

They had grown to 16” and 20” in my 240g system, making daily 25% water changing barely able to keep things stable. My oscars were suffering even with that.

I cut my bioload by 75% yesterday, with a hatchet, as I turned my big plecos into tree fertilizer. They were with me for 5+ years, so it was an emotional experience. Now they are in my pet cemetery, they only animals I have put there deliberately.

RIP Pepper and Dyson
I blame them for the death of Felix the Oscar, but of course it was my fault, and now I have paid for it forever.

Mind you, I have been a fisherman as long as a fish keeper, having live-caught my first minnows. I have shed much fishblood. I have eaten a ton of fish. Legions have fallen to my Normark.

But yesterday I had to cry.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; Referring back to my neighbor's dog problem. Before I go there thanks to those who made replies. Stepped out onto by back porch yesterday morning. The husband was out getting ready to mow some. He had the dog out running lose. The wife will put it on a leash, but he is a tush hog type. The dog spotted me on my porch and charged. I had been filling a hole so had a medium sized pickax on the porch. Back to the usual stand off with the dog staying just out of reach and trying to manuver behind me.
Eventually the man came to get his dog. (did not even have a lead) Dog would not come to him nor obey commands. Took him several minutes to get the dog. He told me again about plans to get an electronic fence again. Same things he said weeks ago.
He saw the pickax and tried to tell me the worst thing I could do was to be aggressive at a dog. That tore it for me. I called the county sheriff's office. Found out we have an animal control officer. Do not yet know how it will play out.
I told the neighbor with the three kids that maybe he could let them outside to play in their yard again soon. Seems other neighbors do not like the way he lets the dog out when he is home, but they will not confront him.
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MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
Hello; Referring back to my neighbor's dog problem. Before I go there thanks to those who made replies. Stepped out onto by back porch yesterday morning. The husband was out getting ready to mow some. He had the dog out running lose. The wife will put it on a leash, but he is a tush hog type. The dog spotted me on my porch and charged. I had been filling a hole so had a medium sized pickax on the porch. Back to the usual stand off with the dog staying just out of reach and trying to manuver behind me.
Eventually the man came to get his dog. (did not even have a lead) Dog would not come to him nor obey commands. Took him several minutes to get the dog. He told me again about plans to get an electronic fence again. Same things he said weeks ago.
He saw the pickax and tried to tell me the worst thing I could do was to be aggressive at a dog. That tore it for me. I called the county sheriff's office. Found out we have an animal control officer. Do not yet know how it will play out.
I told the neighbor with the three kids that maybe he could let them outside to play in their yard again soon. Seems other neighbors do not like the way he lets the dog out when he is home, but they will not confront him.
I think you are far too patient.

I would’ve told the neighbor to get rid of the dog. I would have told him if you saw that dog bite a child you would shoot it dead. The same if it bit you, plus you would sue.

If they have any kind of property or any regular income at all, you can find a lawyer who will take a dog bite case, and in California you can even sue them for harassment.

I was a paper boy and I learned how to make friends with strange dogs 60 years ago. But sometimes it’s better just to dispose of them.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
I think you are far too patient.

I would’ve told the neighbor to get rid of the dog. I would have told him if you saw that dog bite a child you would shoot it dead. The same if it bit you, plus you would sue.

If they have any kind of property or any regular income at all, you can find a lawyer who will take a dog bite case, and in California you can even sue them for harassment.

I was a paper boy and I learned how to make friends with strange dogs 60 years ago. But sometimes it’s better just to dispose of them.
Hello; Already told them I will kill the dog if it bites me. Already warned them of the liability they face. The man said something stupid like it will be ok if the dog bites the right person.
Lots of downsides from shooting. Likely would be legal enough but some number of extra problems. Last resort maybe.

Too many things borderline. if the dog were friendly the biggest issue of it running lose would be the busy highway close by. if the dog were a bit more aggressive it would have actually bitten someone by now. ( i am not sure of this. has not gotten me yet tho)

I tried during one of the incidents to make friends with the dog. The woman got it on a lead. I fed it a dog biscuit. I keep some around for another neighbors dog. Did not change things.

Hello; EDIT I will check into the harassment idea.
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Don't know how I missed this ^ saga; just more fuel for my assertion that almost all bad dogs are made that way by bad owners. That dog is a tragedy waiting to occur. Hopefully you will be able to prevail if/when it happens...and hopefully your other neighbours will step up to support you if you are forced to take drastic measures.

Back when I lived in Onterrible, we had a neighbour that sounded like your guy's cousin. He had a big Doberman that had carte blanche to wander where it wished, and it came freely onto our and other neighbour's property acting very aggressively. I faced the dog down several times with garden tools in hand, and it got to the point where I began to wish it would press the attack when I had a machete or axe handy. One day, the dog made the mistake of coming onto my land, right in the backyard...we lived on adjacent 100-ish-acre parcels, so this was a fair distance from the dog's home turf, but he had come to think of the entire area as "his"...and proved how much of his owners stupidity had been imprinted upon him.

He aggressively confronted my wife and two dogs...and my wife was in tears later when she described how quickly our pair put the run on that tough guy. They pursued him to the limit of their Radio Fence range, where they stopped. The Dobe made it just over the property line before collapsing, leaving behind a lot of blood and a long string of intestine. By the time I got home, he was cool and stiffening.

The idiot owner had in the past laughed several times when I had suggested that his dog might meet a bad end if he didn't begin to control it. I went over to his house and informed him where he could collect his dog's remains. I also informed him that I expected full reimbursement for my veterinary bigger dog had sustained a cut on one ear that needed a couple stitches. That took awhile, but I eventually got my money. He threatened to call the police and eventually followed through on the threat. I am very thankful for the other neighbours who had, over the past year, called the police to report similar aggressive behaviour on the dog's part and a complete disregard by the owner for the problems his animal caused. They visited, and met our two dogs (who were absolutely calm, friendly pussycats, as always), and went on their way.

One of the cops lived nearby, and we ran into him off-duty in the local general store a bit later. He the record... that in cases like ours, the Old Farmers' motto of SSS...Shoot, Shovel and Shut up... is often the most expeditious and efficient solution.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
I definitely believe this.
Hello; Kinda figured the conversation would get around to this. First thing is does not matter the why if a dog is a biter it should not be loose. Regardless of the reasons I will do my best to finish off any dog that bites me. Guess I am fortunate i am not in the secret service.
But I do not totally buy into the old cliche. Some dogs get to be mean all on their own. Some are helped along by owners to be sure. I was around my neighbors dog last fall when it was a pup during the remaining fall days. The dog knew me. The dog knows most of the neighbors from that time.

I know the people. I just do not picture them doing anything to make the dog act the way it does. They have not trained it well and the old man tries his best to ignore the current problems. This dog does what it does of it's own choice. I suspect some herding instinct at play because it goes for the lower legs from behind. may be the dog is stupid and is trying to herd the people in the neighborhood. I am beyond considering such.

Too many folks have a Star Trek sort of mentality. By that i mean in all the episodes I have seen of all generations some clever insight into an alien fixes things in the end. I do not doubt some on here from a few years ago will root for the dog if it left me laying in a pool of my own blood.

That the old man down the lane just wants what he wants, there is no doubt. That he will not bother to train the dog is very likely.

If i have misconstrued your intent, I apologize. Went thru a long back and forth with several on here about Pitbull dogs some years ago.