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Casper... the not so friendly ghost
MFK Member
Jul 12, 2005
Totowa, NJ
Love that Zebrina. Let us know how he does in a community tank...I know a few of us are nervous to bite the bullet and put one with expensive tankmates.


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MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
I don't think it's possible to take a bad shot of that Albino heckelii. Beautiful fish and again...well done with the images.
Thanks Mo! I had to pick up a pair of the Albino Heckelii after I saw your gorgeous shots on FB. Lucky for me I befriended a new LFS store owner just 3 blocks away from me who happens to be supplied by Segrest. Which is great since he doesn't mind special orders, I don't have to wait all day on a delivery or drive to my local Fedex or UPS to get them. By 10:30 his orders come in and he calls me to let me know.

I've been meaning to reach out to you because I also got some Pearsei and wanted to know how you managed to raise up your stunning specimen. Was he kept singly? What kind of diet? How long did he take to reach that size? And so on...

Love that Zebrina. Let us know how he does in a community tank...I know a few of us are nervous to bite the bullet and put one with expensive tankmates.
Thanks shook! I got the Zebrina for a great price from Arowana718 just 8 days ago. My experience with pikes is limited but I can give you my observations thus far and will continue to update though I think I may dedicate a thread in the Pike section for the updates on the Zebrina. I'll go through my pike experiences so far because I know their rep and want to give a comparison between what I observed of different species and the Zebrina to give better perspective of how their personality seems to compare to other pikes.

I've kept 2 Tocantins and 2 Tapajos I pikes all females for about 7 months now. Tocantins where the nastiest with their aggression spreading to all tank mates, cichlid and noncichlid alike. Interestingly and I think they where an exception in this regard their aggression toward each other was minimal, however aggression toward other pikes like my Tapajos I was off the charts. The Tocantins where also by far the hardest to break off of live despite all the pikes being wild caught and only eating live on arrival. Though the Tocantins(8 inches) where about 2 inches bigger then my Tapajos I(6 inches) when I got them. The Tapajos I showed little interest in their tankmates but conspecific aggression was extremely high. The Tapajos I also took readily to eating pellets and converted within days compared to the months of starvation it took for the Tocantins despite them watching the Tapajos I gobbling up pellets.

The Zebrina is in a tank with Pearsei(7-8 inches), Super King Kong Parrots(6 inches), Argentea(5 inches), Brachiatus(8 inches) and a Farnah Lap(12 inches). Arowana718 had listed the Zebrina as 8 inches but he wound up being around 12 inches. Aggression thus far from the pike has been nearly nonexistent except for when aggression is directed at him and even then so far he's flared his way out of any physical encounter from the aggressor(usually the Super King Kong Parrots). He's more comfortable in the open water then my Tocantins and Tapajos I and stays within view most of the time except after feedings. My feeling is Zebrina aren't as aggressive as many other pikes. While I've only had mine for a short time within days both the Tocantins and Tapajos where comfortable enough to start trouble and the Zebrina seems settled in and has been so far a easy going tankmate. Plus the few vids I've seen them in they appear fairly peaceful even when kept in a group of conspecifics.

Wow beautiful zebrina kolt makes me envious. Is he in with the toncantins and tapajos I?

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Thanks man! I haven't tried mixing him with the other pikes yet, though I want to and probably will try at least with the Tapajos I. I'm not sure how it will go because he seems peaceful but adding another pike might change that. The Tapajos I shows a lot of aggression toward other pikes so I'm wary though the aggression might be offset by the size difference between the 2. I'm actually dying to try the combo as they're both such beautiful fish. The Tapajos has really been getting gorgeous as her red has really been intensifying. I have to snap some pics because despite the Zebrina supposedly being so rare there's more pics and vids of them by far then there are of the Tapajos I. Maybe if I snap a good pic of the Tapajos it can start showing up at the top of google results for images and people can see just how gorgeous they get.

wow really nice pics!! love them catfish too
Thanks! I appreciate the compliment. I miss my old cat collection, only cats I have left are the Trachycorystes, Centrodoras and a Apurensis. I maybe setting up some new tanks though in the near future so who knows where my collection will go then. I know I've always wanted a dedicated cat tank.

Unattended Fish

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2010
near but far
Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. When I don't see responses for a day or two a lot of times I stop checking the thread, so i didn't see it till now. Thank you the compliment is very appreciated.

Two more pics for the thread.
View attachment 1056546
View attachment 1056547
Wow that albino heckeli is awesome! I was going to get a few but after I found out the price I got discouraged lol.


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MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
Wow that albino heckeli is awesome! I was going to get a few but after I found out the price I got discouraged lol.
Thanks! They really are lookers and their personality is great imo. I totally know where your coming from I was put off by the price as well but I get this horrible thing where once I want something it becomes obsessive so I caved since I had the money at the time.

That zebrina is sexy
Thanks man! I'm contemplating buying a couple more since there's some available locally and at a decent price. By the way it's been awhile, gotta throw you a pm or text so we can catch up.Been wondering how your Inirida Sevs are looking now.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 7, 2013
I'm pretty sure if they comm'd well enough you'd have a tank dedicated to crenicichla. The Inirida haven't colored up too well yet, but they have the wet pet personality so it works out. When I feed now I get splashed.