Stocking 120 Gallon Tank


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2024
I currently have a 120 Gallon fish tank that is 130cm long x 70cm tall x 50cm deep. I have 5 geophagus tapajos currently in it and I am going to re-scape it I have purchased 3 large bits of long branchey driftwood and am planning on fully draining the main display and setting up the tank with plants and hopefully creating a nice aqua scape. I was thinking about getting some 6 5/6cm red turquoise discus and some rainbow fish maybe around 10? But I don’t know as discus are kinda expensive and I also don’t know if the rainbows will pair well with them. Does anyone have any other stocking suggestions?
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 17, 2017
Can't go wrong with a big group of tetras. Since they are from the same waters and all. Thretetras will make the Discus feel more comfortable. Them swimming around in a pack will signal the discus that no predators are about. Get around 20 or so. Smaller pacts don't do group activities as much and hide more. Get the standard Neon tetras, no need for the more expensive ones, that way you can get more and have a bigger group.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2024
Can't go wrong with a big group of tetras. Since they are from the same waters and all. Thretetras will make the Discus feel more comfortable. Them swimming around in a pack will signal the discus that no predators are about. Get around 20 or so. Smaller pacts don't do group activities as much and hide more. Get the standard Neon tetras, no need for the more expensive ones, that way you can get more and have a bigger group.
Ok, so no rainbows? It’s better to use tetra’s? I like Serpae’s and maybe even Congo’s? I love serpaes and have always wanted to use some in a scape, if they are too small or will get picked off by discus then congos as their fins and colours are beautiful. Growing discus from that size should be fine right? Thanks
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 17, 2017
Discus aren't that aggressive to pick off tetras. If you rather have Serpae's that's fine, I wouldn't go Congo as they are from Africa. The key is a big group, the bigger the better. Rainbows are from Australia, and won't display the schooling that the discus want to feel calm from predators.

Look up discus aquarium on the YouTube and they are either species only or have a group of tetras with them for the dither effect. When dithers go about thier normal schooling it calms the cichlids. They are like an early warning system for the cichlids. So many eyes they see predators before the cichlids can. If they scatter and hide the cichlids know too as well.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2024
Discus aren't that aggressive to pick off tetras. If you rather have Serpae's that's fine, I wouldn't go Congo as they are from Africa. The key is a big group, the bigger the better. Rainbows are from Australia, and won't display the schooling that the discus want to feel calm from predators.

Look up discus aquarium on the YouTube and they are either species only or have a group of tetras with them for the dither effect. When dithers go about thier normal schooling it calms the cichlids. They are like an early warning system for the cichlids. So many eyes they see predators before the cichlids can. If they scatter and hide the cichlids know too as well.
Ok, thanks
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MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I agree with Jexnell about using S American Tetras, as opposed to rainbows, because beside being geographically correct,
most Australian Rainbows prefer water that is more alkaline, and higher in pH (7 to 8)
than the water both Geos, and discus prefer (water that is soft and has lower pH (7 and below))

Although Congo tetras are African, (not geographically correct), they do at least prefer the same water parameters as the S Americans (soft with lower pH).

The one other difference you might want to consider is that the Geos prefer strong current and faster flowing water than the discus.

For me this would mean creating a couple separate water flow areas in the tank.
A large open, sandy area with plenty of current for the Geos (with perhaps a well positioned wave maker) pushing water along the length of the tank,
with an area of less flow where sunken branches suppress the current for the discus.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2024
I have done a water change today and also added in some extra logs and rocks that i had lying around and i have this with the sump return powerhead pointing to the right of the central overflow (mostly sand for geo's with a few branches hanging over) and the left side has a powerhead pointed at the surface for oxygenation. I think i will buy my plants first add them then serpae's and maybe the discus to top it off. i will post a photo of the tank tomorrow when cleared up if i remember.