Gotcha, I'll probably cure it at room temp then. Thanks for the info again.
The surface is matte and feels pretty smooth to the touch despite the amplification. To scrape or not to scrape?
My real concern was getting the cement to bite into the base material if scraped smooth to remove machining marks. If I leave a matte finish then it may be able to do just that. But I dont want it to craze due to minor surface pitting and need an invisible joint. Will the #40 produce that if the surface isnt perfectly smooth? Thinking crazing may be more of a concern with solvent rather than #40. If I scrape it until its smooth it may not bite into the material as well though... confused.
Definately different, carbon fiber and aluminum are the primary materials for flight controls. When I got started I used to repair and install aircraft canopies and viewing ports on submersible vessels. Had to use optical micrometers to determine the depth of the scratches and use micro mesh kits to repair them. Another reason Im fond of acrylic over glass.
We used some stuff called PS30 which is very similar to WO40 back then. For this job, I'll be using #42 but will probably squirt it into syrenges to reduce and bubbles and apply it that way.