When is a "pond"...actually a pond?


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
just reminding the purpose of this website which is guide people , not engage in a unnecessary topic
The purpose of this site is to have discussions on fish keeping and if you think this thread is an unnecessary one then how about your monster fish tank thread? One could argue it’s just as unnecessary. https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/monster-fish-tank.756603/#post-8508685

BTW this post should be in the "off topic discussion" thread
It’s about ponds so it’s in the correct area.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
...I reckon if an idiot can fall in and struggle to get out of a particular body of water, and can swim about a fair distance, it's probably big enough to be called a pond...
Probably the best definition we've seen! :)

...To open the eyes of people who are discussing this unimportant topic...just reminding the purpose of this website which is guide people, not engage in a unnecessary topic.
Once again, I seem to fallen by the wayside in my behaviour and attracted the ire of the Forum Police. Thanks for putting me back on the straight and narrow...good luck with that, by the way. My employers had enough trouble with that when they were actually paying me for my time, so your efforts will be...hmmm...entertaining?

BTW this post should be in the "off topic discussion" thread
I'm guessing you mean the entire thread, rather than just your single post? Words matter.

If so, I considered putting it there, but it was pond-related so I finally decided it belonged here. It was meant to be light-hearted...but I was not joking about the foolish vanity that has some people implying and perhaps even believing that a "pond" operates by different rules than an aquarium. By extension they apply the P-word to smaller and smaller bodies of water, quickly sliding from the pedantic to the utterly ridiculous.

I am as guilty as the next guy; in contrast to my indoor aquariums, which receive water changes of at least 350% per month, and often much more...my outdoor dug pond and stock tank "ponds" get a single 100% water change each year when they are filled in the spring with new water. That's it.

But that's not an attempt to play by different rules. The outdoor fish are stocked at a density far, far lower than those indoors...and even the indoor ones are far less crowded than most people's tanks. Combined with the luxuriant plant growth seen outdoors, this results in water that is still virtually nitrate-free by the time it is drained in the fall. It's got nothing to do with what I call those bodies of water, and everything to do with stocking levels and nitrate up-take by vegetation. The same principles apply to any body of water or container in which we keep fish, regardless of size.

So, yes, a "pond"...whatever that may be...can get away with a different maintenance schedule if and only if its stocking levels and ratio of plant/animal life mimic those seen in nature. If you jam a "pond" full of monster-size fish bumbling about, bumping into one another and with nothing to hide behind but other fish, with no plant life...you had better be prepared to maintain it, monitor it, filter it and possibly even change its water the same way you do with any typical 20-gallon insanely-overstocked beginner tank, 'cuz there's nothing magical about it, regardless of what you decide to call it.
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MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
Even someone who’s barely dipped their toes in the hobby and hasn’t made any contributions to the site such as yourself can see it.
first you are saying that i am a newbie in fish keeping
if you think this thread is an unnecessary one then how about your monster fish tank thread?
then you criticise me for asking a question. i am new to fishkeeping(and you know that) and thus i am asking a question, which makes common sense
if a new aquarist asks you "does nitrate even affect fishes" then will you be like "man he is a idiot"
you experienced guys are always arguing with everyone and spend a lot less time helping others.
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MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
Probably the best definition we've seen! :)

Once again, I seem to fallen by the wayside in my behaviour and attracted the ire of the Forum Police. Thanks for putting me back on the straight and narrow...good luck with that, by the way. My employers had enough trouble with that when they were actually paying me for my time, so your efforts will be...hmmm...entertaining?

I'm guessing you mean the entire thread, rather than just your single post? Words matter.

If so, I considered putting it there, but it was pond-related so I finally decided it belonged here. It was meant to be light-hearted...but I was not joking about the foolish vanity that has some people implying and perhaps even believing that a "pond" operates by different rules than an aquarium. By extension they apply the P-word to smaller and smaller bodies of water, quickly sliding from the pedantic to the utterly ridiculous.

I am as guilty as the next guy; in contrast to my indoor aquariums, which receive water changes of at least 350% per month, and often much more...my outdoor dug pond and stock tank "ponds" get a single 100% water change each year when they are filled in the spring with new water. That's it.

But that's not an attempt to play by different rules. The outdoor fish are stocked at a density far, far lower than those indoors...and even the indoor ones are far less crowded than most people's tanks. Combined with the luxuriant plant growth seen outdoors, this results in water that is still virtually nitrate-free by the time it is drained in the fall. It's got nothing to do with what I call those bodies of water, and everything to do with stocking levels and nitrate up-take by vegetation. The same principles apply to any body of water or container in which we keep fish, regardless of size.

So, yes, a "pond"...whatever that may be...can get away with a different maintenance schedule if and only if its stocking levels and ratio of plant/animal life mimic those seen in nature. If you jam a "pond" full of monster-size fish bumbling about, bumping into one another and with nothing to hide behind but other fish, with no plant life...you had better be prepared to maintain it, monitor it, filter it and possibly even change its water the same way you do with any typical 20-gallon insanely-overstocked beginner tank, 'cuz there's nothing magical about it, regardless of what you decide to call it.
i was just giving my opinion, not meaning to offend you. as a experienced aquarist, you might be seeing things from a different angle than a newbie like me. that might be the reason why you posted this thread, to give people a clear defination of ponds, right? i must admit your way of explaining is quite enigmatic


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
first you are saying that i am a newbie in fish keeping

then you criticise me for asking a question. i am new to fishkeeping(and you know that) and thus i am asking a question, which makes common sense
if a new aquarist asks you "does nitrate even affect fishes" then will you be like "man he is a idiot"
you experienced guys are always arguing with everyone and spend a lot less time helping others.
Yes I did say you’re new to fish keeping however that was not all of what I said, what I said was that even someone new to fish keeping can tell that you need to have a high enough volume of water to keep your fish healthy.

You said this thread was unnecessary and it was very similar in nature to the one you made, it’s not comparing apples to oranges, it’s more akin to comparing red delicious apples to golden delicious apples. I merely pointed out the hypocrisy.

If a new fish keeper does indeed ask me”does nitrate even affect fishes?” Then I won’t think he’s stupid, I acknowledge that he’s new and doesn’t know much and will give him the best answer I can and if I can’t then I’ll @ someone who can give a better answer.

Are we on the same forum right now? I can go to just about any sub forum and find multiple threads from the past week where someone was helped. I’ll pull a few examples.



What you see as “arguing” is a discussion. Sometimes it gets heated but at the end of the day every discussion happens as a result of care for the fish.

I personally do not dislike you ar1, you aren’t my favorite person on the site but you definitely aren’t on my list of disliked members and I will gladly help you whenever I can. I’ve helped multiple people around your age out of public view via pm and several of them were less knowledgeable and more frustrating (not saying you are) than you and they’ve become great members and far more knowledgeable than they were before because people were willing to help them through the initial rough patch. I myself was a monster when I first began and it was only because a few people helped me and stuck up for me that I was able to become the member I am today and I’ve made sure to help every young person here that I can because of that.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Well stated ^, and to the point.

I'm not about to bow out of this thread...I did start it, after all...but I'll leave this little "sub-conversation" to fishhead0103666 fishhead0103666 and others...they're more patient and less enigmatic than I am. :)


MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
Yes I did say you’re new to fish keeping however that was not all of what I said, what I said was that even someone new to fish keeping can tell that you need to have a high enough volume of water to keep your fish healthy.

You said this thread was unnecessary and it was very similar in nature to the one you made, it’s not comparing apples to oranges, it’s more akin to comparing red delicious apples to golden delicious apples. I merely pointed out the hypocrisy.

If a new fish keeper does indeed ask me”does nitrate even affect fishes?” Then I won’t think he’s stupid, I acknowledge that he’s new and doesn’t know much and will give him the best answer I can and if I can’t then I’ll @ someone who can give a better answer.

Are we on the same forum right now? I can go to just about any sub forum and find multiple threads from the past week where someone was helped. I’ll pull a few examples.



What you see as “arguing” is a discussion. Sometimes it gets heated but at the end of the day every discussion happens as a result of care for the fish.

I personally do not dislike you ar1, you aren’t my favorite person on the site but you definitely aren’t on my list of disliked members and I will gladly help you whenever I can. I’ve helped multiple people around your age out of public view via pm and several of them were less knowledgeable and more frustrating (not saying you are) than you and they’ve become great members and far more knowledgeable than they were before because people were willing to help them through the initial rough patch. I myself was a monster when I first began and it was only because a few people helped me and stuck up for me that I was able to become the member I am today and I’ve made sure to help every young person here that I can because of that.
i never took you as a bad guy. it seems that you are wiser and know what you are talking about. i was wrong to use the word argument. you are a fellow fish keeper and i respect you as a senior aquarist


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
*sigh* AR1@, this isn't an "unimportant" topic; it's quite a deep (pun intended) topic if you think about it, and it is a sensible question, as many people don't know precisely what a pond is (nor do I for that matter). For some people, it could be a 55-gallon fish tank buried into the ground a few feet; for others, it can be a practical swimming pool for humans; it makes sense to talk about it because it determines a lot about outdoor fishkeeping.

Like others have said, if you thought it was unimportant, why did you answer it? It just doesn't compute in my mathematically fishkeeping brain. lol.

I have to say this thread is quite comical, though. Lol.
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