thanks for the ideas there guppy, we might try to insulate it with styrofoam since we have some laying around. I'll post pics once i get the whole thing setup and the fishies in there. I have a seperate area of 50 gallons which i used egg crate to seperate for my cichlasoma oblongus. The water is a little cloudy from the newly added pea sived gravel and sand. It's not filled up really high
On a side note. I think my abalios is starting to get popeye. The reason i think he got it is because my heater died on me during the night. It was on 86 degrees when i went to bed and it was 70 today. So its become obvious with him. The others seem fine though. I treated them with pimafex and got a new heater for the temporary setup.
. I also have quite a few of these juv. in a 16 gallon setup.
Really really hope they make it. poor guys.