Bought (or shall I say, saved) 2 18" local catfish (locally known as
hito, have no idea what the western name is)from the grocery store, (cost $4) to help with the cycle. Also have two tilapias in there and some feeders.
Haven't been able to find a source for the plastic crates that I want to DIY into my wet/dry mechanical/bio filtration system, so I guess this improvised one will do for now. Wrapped some of my old filter media (scour pads, poly fiber in a new sheet of polyfiber, bought 2 yards for a $1, we're a 3rd world country, so things are pretty cheap here ) The pond is about 1/3 filled up with water change dumps from my 2 100G, doing an almost daily 30-45% change on them for the sake of the pond...ooops, not supposed to do that am I
That's a RIO 20HF pumping about 1000GPH into that improvised filter/basin.
Some of the future inhabitants of the pond, a 10" TSN and a juvy RTC, both I got for $12.50 from some guy who was disposing it.
This 19" Clown Knife Fish, I got from an LFS for around $16, in the first week with he downed about 30 or so feeders, I starved him for about 2 weeks and weaned him from feeders, now he's eating beefheart.