Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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Most agressive central american i owned is the trimac
most agressive south american is the red terror.

most agressive catfish is the mystus wykki
For the dwarf cichlids, neetroplus nematopus gets my vote. My male neets being the smallest member in my 240g tank claims the center of the tank and punks every fish that swims by including a 11" black belt and a 10" male festae. For the larger fish, dovii gets my vote. They are straight up killers.
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i would say a big mean texas cichlid
it is definetly the dovii or maybe grammodes they can get pretty bad...its definetely a guapote..

But I'm pretty biased when it comes to anything Caquetaia :grinyes:
I've got a crazy oscar that will take out anything I put with it other than Pacu and a pleco like twice his size.
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