Thanks for setting me straight, XRAYZ!
The kid at WalMart didn't know what it was or what to charge for it!
I checked the biggest lfs in the area (300+ tanks) and asked why the albino bichers they had didn't look anything like what they had listed as "common" bicher (identical to what I have) a couple of tanks away ... the guy there didn't have a clue either!
Now that I can finally "see" the pics you all have posted, (guess I'm now "officially" a member! Yay!) the difference is more than clear!
Having found you guys, I gotta ask if a *true* bicher (I'm considering the albino) will cohabitate peacefully with this goby? He's such a cool fish (starting to hand feed) I couldn't consider parting with him! BTW, how big *do* these puppies get in a tank?
Hmmmmm now I'm begining to wonder if that African Knife might *really* be an African Fork!
Thanks again,