Guess what kind of Reptile

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Was it really that easy?

Actually yes, lol

all I did was search "nature exploration and traveling skink" on google and it was in the first row of pics :grinyes:

But never heard or seen of that skink without google it wouldn't be that easy :(
Tell me if this is right but I am going to guess its some kind of third world viper.

Third world viper? Wtf is that lol

You are right on the viper part though :grinyes:
Third world means central America, south America, and Africa.

Oh, then you're wrong sorry...guess again :)

& no more hints! :lol2:

edit: looked up the definition for "third world" and it says it is the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

So you had the wrong definition, but...your still wrong because I looked up the viper's country to see if it was a third world country and it isn'
Oh, then you're wrong sorry...guess again :)

& no more hints! :lol2:

edit: looked up the definition for "third world" and it says it is the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

So you had the wrong definition, but...your still wrong because I looked up the viper's country to see if it was a third world country and it isn'

I'm pretty sure at least part of this snakes range is considered part of the developing world. Developing world being the more PC way of saying "Third World".