L25, scarlet pleco. How much did you guys pay for yours?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thats very expensive but if its a nice specimen, i would definitely go for it. ST is not a bad choice either.. did you pay the same price?
They are nice! Thanks for sharing... One of these days i hope i can afford to order a batch of your L25's!
anybody purchase one lately? L24 or L25?
Not that bad in England I've seen them at that size for 100 pounds l24 cost way way more over here around 3 times as much for some reason
Hi Matt I say that because you can get or could get L25 2-3" for 125-150 quid from more than one lfs up here this year late spring time and they had at least 10 each, and I've only ever seen 2 l24 in my life and they were both 300+ at small sizes don't get me wrong I might not be right just going of what I've seen at the stores up here, I'll also say that unungy has l25 quite a bit but they never have l24