It varies but the present schedule is like this:What Do You Feed Them?
Sunday Pellets made by Martin Mills Inc
2mm Koi 1 lb
5mm Koi 1 lb
3mm sinking trout 1 lb
4mm floating trout 1 lb
5mm floating trout 1 lb
6mm floating trout 1 lb
7mm sinking catfish or Trout 3 to 4 lbs
Also when avaiable
9mm broadstock 1 lb (Normally only available in the March to June period)
Tuesday Makerel and/or Herring varies on their appetite but normally between 15 and 25 lbs. The Wallago's, Piaractus and brycons don't eat much herring. When available white lake trout, pink salmon and lake smelts. I thaw the fish out on several flat trays and feed while semi thawed not completely thawed. The hundreds of cichlids eat the small particles of fish which helps the tank from getting too cloudy.
Thursday Wardleys Flakes about 2 full 2lb margarine containers. I buy Wardleys in the 25 lb containers. Sometimes I feed Tetra Min Flakes which I buy in the 4lb containers.
Other foods at various times:
Peas, canteloupe, grapes, bananas and apples
also bread slices, pizza crusts, rice, tuna, salmon and dew worms.
Before major feedings (Flakes, Pellets) I do a backflush/rinse cycle on the bead filters which lowers the water 2 to 4 inches (1,000 to 2,000 gallons) and prevents the food going out the overlow. Every inch of water in the tank is about 482 gallons. It is not needed during Makerel/ Herring etc. feedings.
I turn the pumps off during feeding and back on about 10 minutes after feeding.