My gentle giant says "Hi!" to all! I don't know if male or female yet. You judge.
The first pic is his first day in my community. So scared he will turn like the first one. 3 weeks today and he is the mellowest fish I have had. Very personable like a dog but attacks the glass whenever I get near the tank. Does not bite me, though, when I put my hand inside the tank. Watches and seems to recognize me. I don't have a name yet for him/her so I'm hoping you guys can give him/her one and it should start with a letter G. His staple are super mealworms, 1.5-2" mealworms stuffed with carrots for health and size. He also eats tomatoes, grapes, lettuce, de-shelled shrimp and strawberries. I am planning to get at least 2 more GG's that are over 24" in my 250 gallon tank and get rid of the rest of my community. The tank measures 84"x32"x32" filled to a 24" depth, what do you guys think?