GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Oh, I fell in love with them at first sight. And then again, I hate mean fishes who terrorize my tank for nothing but plain aggression. I had an 18" male albino and he is the perfect example of a GG. Very healthy, eats in my hands, can be patted, recognizes me from afar, large hump; say it and he's just like that. I enjoy feeding him coz he eats ANYTHING. I enjoy watching him munch on small tomatoes. The caveat? He is extremely aggressive and not only that. He even hunts down my Oscars and tear them apart in a 250 gallon tank. Territorial I can accept, but hunting down and wounding 4 of my Oscars almost every night is beyond acceptable. I traded him back to my LFS for a peacock bass. However, this does not stop me from loving the fish. I will someday get a separate big tank all for this fish and grow one to 3' I guess. They are far more personable than any fish I have taken care of. They grow to monstrous sizes. Very hardy for being able to breathe atmospheric oxygen and don't forget they have those long tapering fins!

P.S. If you want to take care of one above 12" in a community, best way is to get a female but that does not make perfect assurance either.
Hello all! Have a question for anyone willing to chime in with their opinion. I've a 240 up and running currently and have a normal 16 inch GG. Have wanted to add another GG for awhile to grow out and possibly compliment my normal. A local fish shop here has a few 8-10 white giants and a bunch of little 3-5 inch redtails. I like the white/goldens, but also like redtails as well! Which would you choose and why? I'm torn at the moment. Thanks for any feedback. Know it's a personal preference. Curious to what the poll is.
I have an RTGG but if I have to choose, I'd go w/ an albino. I've seen my friend's 26 incher and it looks flawless w/ that white color. It will also stand out more in a dark background and decors. A really nice centerpiece fish in a community tank if you're lucky enough to get a docile one.

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My new little GG. Took forever for the store to get them in. I wanted a RTGG but had to settle for a regular.

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Here is my 12" Albino Red Eye. It's got an usual 2 splits on each bottom trailer which is a total of four. Does any of yours have this? Furthermore, is it a male or female? Thank you.

My gentle giant says "Hi!" to all! I don't know if male or female yet. You judge.

The first pic is his first day in my community. So scared he will turn like the first one. 3 weeks today and he is the mellowest fish I have had. Very personable like a dog but attacks the glass whenever I get near the tank. Does not bite me, though, when I put my hand inside the tank. Watches and seems to recognize me. I don't have a name yet for him/her so I'm hoping you guys can give him/her one and it should start with a letter G. His staple are super mealworms, 1.5-2" mealworms stuffed with carrots for health and size. He also eats tomatoes, grapes, lettuce, de-shelled shrimp and strawberries. I am planning to get at least 2 more GG's that are over 24" in my 250 gallon tank and get rid of the rest of my community. The tank measures 84"x32"x32" filled to a 24" depth, what do you guys think?






