Filtration for Heavy BioLoad....

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
No need to. Just erase everything I posted like I asked and everyone's happy. :)

Will not happen again......

I most surely will not!

I want your info. No ray keeper here, but a monster bio loaded, in any event :)
Sand VS. K-1 bio reactors. Here is a little fuel for the fire from a person who has ran both. When a sand filter shut's down the sand instantly sinks and compacts-which speeds up the process of suffocation to the bacteria. When a K-1 reactor shuts down the media floats and the open pores in the center are protected. Although not oxygenated-they are not suffocated either. I have shut the aeration off from my reactor for days and just kept the water flowing through it.
Wow i started and walked away from my thread for a few hours and it turned into a redonkulous discussion of who's right and who know's more. i was asking for suggestions. i dont care if some suggest things that others dont beleive in. i want to hear all options. never the less thanks to all of you for your comments. while you were all discussing this i was adding to my filtration. i ended up going with what i first mentioned. I put the Fluidized bed and phosban reactor with Pura complete. Listen guys, the fluidized bed only causes real issues if you lack power or shut it off. anyone ever here on power inverters???? lol
Gosh Alan- why don't you tell us how you really feel?

DB seams to have got a big ego boast since he bred some rays at last

He will prob go and spend $2k on UV now (no smiley or sarcasm icon on my phone sorry )

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Sand VS. K-1 bio reactors. Here is a little fuel for the fire from a person who has ran both. When a sand filter shut's down the sand instantly sinks and compacts-which speeds up the process of suffocation to the bacteria. When a K-1 reactor shuts down the media floats and the open pores in the center are protected. Although not oxygenated-they are not suffocated either. I have shut the aeration off from my reactor for days and just kept the water flowing through it.

Why would you shut it down that would make it just like bio balls and just the water passing throw it would be enought to keep it alive much like a canister filter

The trick with sand is not to over fill the filter that way if you get a power cut it won't compact down as much or blow back into the sump or tank

Think about the surface area of the sand compared to k1 and water and dirt able to pass throw the k1 in respect to the sand

I have also use both and for me sand knocks spots off k1 which I used first then k3

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DB seams to have got a big ego boast since he bred some rays at last

He will prob go and spend $2k on UV now (no smiley or sarcasm icon on my phone sorry )

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Lol :)

On another note .... Million ways to skin a cat guys. know body is right to say somebody else is wrong without being wrong themselves for speaking such nonsense .
Theirs alot of ways to spend also. Myself I've always gone with the most simple but most expensive ways. I will only buy the best stuff. Some of it has been a waste of money but others well worth the extra penny's.

Biggest waste so far was buying all digital testers.
Best was automatic water change system.
As for filtration a pile of rocks fair up par with any expensive bio materials/medias. I've wasted alot of money on all kinds of things .

I can say this though , it's well worth the money to over kill . Triple time :)
My best setup thus far was two separate systems on one tank which was a 240 gallin. First was hang on the back fluidized bed filter rated for 900 gallons and a slightly oversized powerhead to run it. In addition I had a sump with 10 gallons of bioballs prefiltered with 100 micron filter pads. The key with having two systems not connected means redundancy. If one quits the other will keep up until you notice.

Next system will have fluidized bed filter, two biotowers with bioballs and filter socks, and multiple sponge filters in a growout 150 trough beneath the system.

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i have talked with db about filtration in the past and value his opinion as he has tried alot of different things and is a great guy to run some ideas through. i was coming pretty close to finalizing my plans on my new tank and was pointed out a few failure points. so its back to the drawing board for me. point is db has tried and failed on some of his filtration methods and thats what makes a good ray keeper and someone worth listening to. learn from others mistakes so you dont have to make the same ones. build off others ideas and improve where you can

i agree with both t1 and db on a few things and disagree on others. i do believe in bioreactors as well as sand fbf's they both have their advantages and disadvantages. and the people on the other sides just look at the disadvantages.

t1 has a great setup as well that is good to look at because when your system is changing out 300 gals a day makes your system unique as not as many of us are doing that big of changes daily. so when you have a failure it is not as noticable as it becomes diluted with the constant freshwater. so other methods of filtration are better for this type set up as they can be easier to maintain.

we can learn from both sides as long as we read between the lines and sarcasm to what counts. i do enjoy seeing what everyone uses as each of us have our different methods some focus on heavy bio others mechanical and some chemical. i like to get bio happy with mine as i cant afford 300+ gal a day in my town when i get off well water. new set up will inclue biotower, k3 reactor, ceramics and possibly an sand fbf and a regular mech cleaning routine.

in the end its just back to the basics. do waterchanges, keep your mech clean, dont let junk build up in the bio areas and pay attention. if something seems off do a quick test and change some water take the extra ten minutes to save your stock. DONT WAINT TILL TOMORROW! and for the better of this thread if you are going to say something is wrong please tell us why and how you did your test to come up with it. doing this in a nice way might help as well.
I think it to be a great thing to run multiple different filtration types on one system. That is if you can afford it. Ray keeping seems to be a pricy hobby! which brings me to that topic... Any comments on how to feed or maintain a ray system on a budget. Obviousy everyone has their own technique so lets just get some simple suggestions. What makes me curious is food. What's everyone feeding??? And what do you suggest for switching rays off of live??? I'm in the process of weaning them off of Ghost shrimp, Earth Worms, and Nordic shrimp (fresh canadian shrimp high in fat and protein to fatten her up). I've got New Life, Hikari pellets specifically for the rays but theyre not taking to it yet.
I forgot to point out energy's plant filtration. Lots of people have great success with and his is to the max. I say take time out of your day to look at a few of these guys tanks and filtration. It's well worth the stalking time for energy, db, and t1. 3 totally different type set ups filtered in vastly different ways. If you don't understand something on one of them shoot them a pm. Most of us love talking about what's under the hood And plans to improve.

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