Persistent fin rot on my two Clown Loaches


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
Long Island
Hello to the board, I've lurked here for quite some time now and absolutely love the site and it's contributions. Being my first post, I'd like to thank you for taking a look at my thread here however i do have a worrisome situation unfolding with my clown loaches. I have maintained a lightly planted 40 breeder going on three years now, living in the tank from the very beginning are two clown loaches i purchased at under an inch long as well as a bristle nose placo who's just about fully grown at 5''. With pleantfifull bog wood and hiding places the tank also has healthy water wisteria that i propagate around the tank and trim as necessary; two African Tetras two Columbian Tetras and three orange laser cory cats round out the population. Heres where my troubles started however, I owned an asian bumbelbee catfish which grew to a larger size than i expected, the catfish faught vigorously with my dominant clown loach who has grown to a healthy and robust 5''. Both the cat fish and dominant loach endured fin damage at which time i tried treating with garlic extract in shrimp pellets i feed them. I installed a new under gravel hiding cave to accommodate the crowd but still the fighting persisted and so did the loaches fin damage. Around the same time, my slightly smaller of the loach pare began showing signs of fin damage as well, while all my other fish in the tank showed no signs of fin rot or damate my bottom feeders kept getting worse. I decided to donate my territorial bummble bee catfish to a local shop in the hopes my loaches would improve; I cleaned my filters of which i have two, one being a bio wheel filter. After this i did a 90% water change and for the next month did a daily one gallon water change. My clown loaches have overcome ich naturally and grown healthy and happy for three years now however the fin rot/damage is not getting better. the fins are about half their previous condition with off color darker spots in some areas of the fin tips. there are no holes in there fins just a withering of there overall condition and fullness. Both their behavior remains highly active, social even playfull with eachother and their cory tank mates. Both are eating very well, have fantastic color and are fat and happy but the still WORSENING condition of their fins has me very worried. I'm continuing to do daily one gallon water changes being sure to dechlorinate accordingly and my water parameters are nearly perfect with nitrates at 10ppm. my ph is around 7.0-7.4 depending on the size of my water changes. CAN SOMEONE OFFER ADVICE? thank you for reading.



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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
Hello and welcome to MFK. The issue here is two fold the loaches themselves and a planted tank. The loaches are sensative to meds but if used correctly they are very helpful. The planted tank is an issue because many plants don't do well with the meds you need to use. Do you have a hospital tank available?


MFK Member
Feb 27, 2013
Ive dealt with this several times with Loaches as they are easy to have get these kinds of bacterial infections. Most are secondary caused by another issue. Check all your water parameters and make sure they are good. Can you take a picture of the affected fish and post it here so I can see it. I have a recommendation BUT before following it id really like to see a picture. Most of these infections are gram negative issues. Id highly recommend putting the fish in a hospital tank and treating the fish with API Triple Sulfa. Follow the directions and treat for for 2 days with the correct doseages and then water change and repeat. You may need to repeat again after that but again do a water change. There are other meds that could be used. BUT they are a bit more harsh.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
Long Island
clown 1.JPGclown 2.JPGclown 3.JPG

in the second photo you can see a clear comparison between the two clown loaches, both have fraid fins but the dominant individual is clearly worse. his dorsal fin is the worst :(

clown 1.JPG

clown 2.JPG

clown 3.JPG


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
Long Island
how serious is this and will persistent water changes and healthy foods alone oust what ever is causing this? I don't have a hospital tank or the room for it as i live in an apartment.


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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
Pull the wisteria and put it in some water to save it. I agree with Conway and my recomendation was also going to be 3x sulfa with half a dose of malachite green. 3X sulfa does a good job at buffering MG while still giving all the positive benifits. Your Ph of 7 -7.4 is a godd range for this combination.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
Long Island
i have no problem loosing the plants i can grow more, can i buy "3x sulfa" at a fish place because i've never herd of the stuff. and to be clear, i should dose both the 3x AND the Malachite green simultaneously?

once again thank you for the response.....


MFK Member
Jan 7, 2011
rural Calif.
......., can i buy "3x sulfa" at a fish place because i've never herd of the stuff.....
It's called Triple Sulfa (API makes it), ... they typed that a fast way. should be easy to find.


MFK Member
Feb 27, 2013
I'd also agree with Tom and add the malchite green as per the suggested half dose with the triple sulfa.

Good addition to that Tom.

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