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Can Angelfish and Firemouth cichlids live together???


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Angelfish and firemouth are my favorite cichlids!!!!! I currently have 3 angelfish and 1 firemouth in my 75 gallon fish tank right now. I was wondering can I keep the 3 angelfish and 3-4 firemouths together with either tiger barbs, black skirt tetras, or candy cane tetras???
Don't do tiger barbs,notorious fin nippers. I personally don't trust firemouths with angelfish. Mine have always been fin nippers and pushy. I would be hesitant to risk a pair as well. If you had 4 and a pair formed i foresee yours angels shredded hiding in the upper corners of the tank

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Don't do tiger barbs,notorious fin nippers. I personally don't trust firemouths with angelfish. Mine have always been fin nippers and pushy. I would be hesitant to risk a pair as well. If you had 4 and a pair formed i foresee yours angels shredded hiding in the upper corners of the tank

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So far the angels and firemouth are doing ok so far. My marbled angel is chasing the firemouth around. IME, firemouth are more bark than bite. What would be some tetras that are safe with angelfish?
So far the angels and firemouth are doing ok so far. My marbled angel is chasing the firemouth around. IME, firemouth are more bark than bite. What would be some tetras that are safe with angelfish?

Any tetra really,black skirt,cardinals so long as they are two big for the angels to eat.how old and big is your firemouth?

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:popcorn: I say stick w/ the one firemouth & keep you eye on him. Adding multiples of that lil dynamo is asking for trouble. As for tetras, pretty much any as long as they can't fit in the mouth of the cichlids. "T"
:popcorn: I say stick w/ the one firemouth & keep you eye on him. Adding multiples of that lil dynamo is asking for trouble. As for tetras, pretty much any as long as they can't fit in the mouth of the cichlids. "T"
+1. Firemouths more bark than bite is not necessarily true, it just varies with the individual (also size) and depends what else you keep them with. If you've got a firemouth that's mellow with your angels that's fine, but doesn't mean adding a few more is a good idea, especially in a 4 ft tank.
He is about 2'' and I've had him for 2 weeks now. He came from a tank with an angelfish so I think he is used to them. I think he will be ok with them.
He is about 2'' and I've had him for 2 weeks now. He came from a tank with an angelfish so I think he is used to them. I think he will be ok with them.
That's what fools people sometimes, small fish of a species or new to a tank and they can seem more docile than later on with more size, hormone changes, etc. Not to say yours won't be ok, and starting small being housed with angels in your tank may be a factor, but it's not 100% that what you see now with a smallish juvenile will still be the case later on with more size and adult hormones, something that's true of a number of cichlid species. Not being negative, since things can work out in one tank that might not work for everybody (firemouths with angels often gets mixed reviews), just something to be aware of.
I am well aware of firemouth aggression but in my experience when I did have the aggressive cichlids, the firemouth would be the one who would be the so called punching bag. My male marbled angel is actually the one doing the chasing. He chases the firemouth all over the tank,