• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Can Angelfish and Firemouth cichlids live together???

I am well aware of firemouth aggression but in my experience when I did have the aggressive cichlids, the firemouth would be the one who would be the so called punching bag. My male marbled angel is actually the one doing the chasing. He chases the firemouth all over the tank,
so you asked this question to post all the answers yourself, right
I don't know in what world angelfish are classified as "aggressive cichlids", but you'll figure out whether it works.
so you asked this question to post all the answers yourself, right
I don't know in what world angelfish are classified as "aggressive cichlids", but you'll figure out whether it works.

Ummm..... I wasn't classifying Angelfish as Aggressive. I said when I did have aggressive cichlids which can classify as convicts, dempseys it's a broad range of cichlids. Just so you know I meant all cichlids, wise guy! :)
Exactly. I know what you meant. My point was: firemouths be bullied by "aggressive cichlids" is no evidence at all for comparing them as adults with angelfish, to figure their compatibility. Nor is juvie behavior the same as adults.
I'm not being a wiseguy. your logic doesn't make sense. but cichlids are predictably unpredictable, so good luck.
So far the angels and firemouth are doing ok so far. My marbled angel is chasing the firemouth around. IME, firemouth are more bark than bite. What would be some tetras that are safe with angelfish?

no experience with firemouths but the best tetras to mix with angels in my experience are bleeding heart tetras and emperor tetras, won't get eaten and are not gonna shred fins like most barbs, BA tetras and saprae tetras. Also the reds and blues/greens complement most angelfish patterns very nicely
I am well aware of firemouth aggression but in my experience when I did have the aggressive cichlids, the firemouth would be the one who would be the so called punching bag. My male marbled angel is actually the one doing the chasing. He chases the firemouth all over the tank,
Sure, aggression is relative to what else is in the tank, if I've said that once I've said it at least a hundred times, probably two hundred. Take the same fish that totally bullies one tank and put it in a more aggressive tank and it can get its butt handed to it, take the same fish that does nothing but hide or get chased in one tank and put it in another tank and it might be a total menace. A larger angelfish chasing a 2 inch firemouth says nothing about what may or may not happen when it reaches 6 inches.

Again, it might work it might not, for some people it's worked for others it hasn't, it depends on the individual fish and tank. But if you know cichlids you know you can't extrapolate a prediction on firemouths and angels based on what firemouths do with other, more aggressive cichlids (among which they're often known to be wimps) and you sure can't extrapolate what yours will do as an adult based on how it acts at 2 inches. These are simple facts no one has to prove to you because sooner or later you'll find this out for yourself if you don't already know it.

People are just trying to answer your question. You might get different answers or different results because it can go either way, but the bottom line is you'll find out soon enough.
Sure, aggression is relative to what else is in the tank, if I've said that once I've said it at least a hundred times, probably two hundred.

:popcorn: Gotta agree!! Had an Angel & a CK that started out together as juvies. Quite often the Angel would chase the CK into hiding but no harm was done. Now Fast forward a bit over 2yrs. Woke up one morning to this ..........

That lump was my Angel. Fish change & sometimes it's not for the better. You've been warned!! "T"
:popcorn: Gotta agree!! Had an Angel & a CK that started out together as juvies. Quite often the Angel would chase the CK into hiding but no harm was done. Now Fast forward a bit over 2yrs. Woke up one morning to this ..........

That lump was my Angel. Fish change & sometimes it's not for the better. You've been warned!! "T"

:WHOA: oh no, tht CK betrayed the angelfish. xD yup, :iagree:.
:popcorn: Gotta agree!! Had an Angel & a CK that started out together as juvies. Quite often the Angel would chase the CK into hiding but no harm was done. Now Fast forward a bit over 2yrs. Woke up one morning to this ..........

That lump was my Angel. Fish change & sometimes it's not for the better. You've been warned!! "T"
Well only common sense would tell you the clown knife will eat the angelfish when they get bigger. ;)

I don't keep monster fish anymore!
Some thoughts on this.

First Firemouths tend to be mellower than some, but as others have shared with you individual personalities are very broad spread with this species. That said, right now your lone Firemouth may be running scared. But give it time to grow and the story can change.

And contrary to what someone told you on the first page of this threat one firemouth is not necessarily more safe than a group. Generally when you have several firemouths in a tank they will often negate each other's aggression except for whatever dominant pair(s) control their group.

Next thing, Tiger barbs are strong fin nippers and a bad idea for angelfish. In a large set up even cardinal tetras eventually risk becoming food as angelfish grow larger. The rest such as black widow/black skirt tetras are fine.

Can you keep angels and firemouths together in a tank? Sure.

But if you do so you will need plants potted in planters that with large enough stones on top to prevent the firemouths from digging them up. Avoid sharp stones such as lace rock or tufa as skittish firemouths can cut themselves on such rockwork. Driftwood is better. Large groups of firemouths will basically stifle much breeding and keep aggression predominantly among their own kind.

In the end you have to make an educated guess based on the number of fish you wish to keep together, the size of their tank, and the environment/topography/aquascaping of the aquarium. I have about 700 firemouth right now from one of my 2 pairs. And about 300 Golden Angelfish, from a single breeding pair. My adult angelfish during any spawning period would chew the crap out of even my largest firemouth pair. My angelfish pair are VERY aggressive when they are in breeding mode. I wouldn't risk combining them.

But as a space consideration I have about 150 inch long firemouth young with about 30 of the largest of my angelfish young. (These are about 2" long at the moment.) When the firemouth babies get another half inch to an inch on size, I'll move the angelfish into another tank. For now they share a 65 gallon nursery tank. When they get larger the firemouth school has the potential to fin nip the angels a bit. Hence the move.