The Woefully Underappreciated Sponge Filter

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just read all 23 pages of the thread thus far; excellent write-up and great information.

For a tank in the bedroom, I'm thinking that air pump driven would be too loud. Would power head make it any quieter. Correct me if I'm wrong on air pump noise as I haven't used one since the 1980's.
I have a sponge filter (rated 100g) hooked up to a pump and battery operated backup pump in the case of a power outage. I use this along with a 40g sump for my 170g.

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Am I doing it right?? I love sponge filters. Went way overboard on this one it's a hydro 5 in a 55 tank. It was the same price as a hydro 3 & 4 lol

All 7 of my tanks run only on sponges. From 4-75 gallons. For my 75 gal I use two bacto-surge sponge filters rated for 125 gallons. One is powered by a maxijet 1200 and the other air driven. I believe a lot of the whole sellers use sponge filters even for $$$ fish.
Great article!! I did not read all 23 pages. Just one question. I have a 90 gallon aquarium with discus in it and want to minimize the amount of current in my tank. I am pondering doing just sponges, with a particle filter on an aquaclear powerhead. I have 9 discus in there ranging from 3" to 5" in diameter. I also have 12 hets, and 6 rummy nose, and 4 cory cats. The tank is planted and I do water changes every other day. Was thinking of doing 2 50 gallon sponge filters. A brand named deep blue. New to the market I believe, but they are available at my lfs. What are your thoughts please. I am currently using an aquatop cf500uv to filter the tank, but I want to use if possible solely the sponge filters.
I love sponge filters!! But IMO they r still fairly aesthetically unpleasing lol ...would you still get the same benefits running one in or sump tank filter??