Have I made a mistake?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Aug 28, 2013
Hertfordshire, England
I have add a small green terror to my establish 100g SA set up which is home to some eartheaters, cories, tetra and a pike compressiceps.

He has settled in just fine with no aggression what so ever (other than the pike taking a little swipe because the GT got in his way) the thing is how long can i expect this community to be aggression free?

I have read a lot on green terrors and they are probably one of my favorite fish but there is such a mix or reviews for these guys it is difficult to plan for!

Any advice is appreciated. Also can you tell at this size if he is male or female?

Here is a few pics

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MFK Member
Jan 27, 2014
United Kingdom
Grow it and see. Hard to say what will happen as all GT's show different aggression levels. As it gets bigger you may find your tetra's disappearing but you probably knew that already. You should notice any aggression before something drastic happens


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
My experience with tank raised green terrors (with non-conspecifics) is they've been good citizens. In some tanks I've had them basically keep the peace in the tank by breaking it up when other fish start flaring and posturing at each other but otherwise pretty much ignore the other fish. I had a green terror and gold severum that were great buddies in one tank and once saw a green terror in a discus tank with no worries by the discus (not saying this would always work).

Just my experience, not saying it will always work that way. Of course, as mentioned, individuals can vary in temperament.

I've also had wild green terrors-- whole different story. Those guys were belligerent even at 1.5 inches, became even more belligerent as they grew and weren't easy to keep with other fish, including each other.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 7, 2013
Texas, USA
I had a male GT that killed a female he never bonded or bred with. He also killed a Plecoptera that he had been with for years. He also harassed a green Severum til I moved it. The female never was overly aggressive. I think it just depends on the individual fish. Yours looks male too me.

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Mythic Figment

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2012
I have add a small green terror to my establish 100g SA set up which is home to some eartheaters, cories, tetra and a pike compressiceps.

He has settled in just fine with no aggression what so ever (other than the pike taking a little swipe because the GT got in his way) the thing is how long can i expect this community to be aggression free?

I have read a lot on green terrors and they are probably one of my favorite fish but there is such a mix or reviews for these guys it is difficult to plan for!

Any advice is appreciated. Also can you tell at this size if he is male or female?

Here is a few pics
View attachment 1005847
View attachment 1005848
View attachment 1005849

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Good looking GT. :)

IME, GTs can end up going either way on the subject of aggression. I know several people who report the "policeman" mentality of breaking up any issues their tankmates might have with one another (generally their tankmates are semi-aggressive or aggressive cichlids). And many others report the psycho serial murderer type. A few more report just very peaceful GTs. So it can go either way and you will need to keep an eye on it. But be very watchful, because if it turns aggressive, things are going to get rough really fast. Those red head geos are pushovers compared with a GT and they would likely be the first targets of aggression (not counting the tetras because they would simply be targets of "oh, it will fit in my mouth and I'm kind of hungry").

Depending on the ultimate size of the pike, you might have issues there too. Larger pikes (not counting the dwarves) tend to be very aggressive with any fish that isn't at least the same size as they are, especially when they get larger. Dwarves are tricky since most are pretty peaceful, but a few species are little monsters at any size who attack tankmates of almost any size.

In short, if it works for now, see how it goes because you might end up with a fun setup that isn't a cookie cutter type stock. Just be prepared to move aggressors to another tank if the ____ hits the fan.

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 27, 2013
Cental Coast,Ca
Just like some others have said it's all on the fish. Like Mythic said there isn't a cookie cutter type setup. I have a green terror that bought 5 month's ago at 3". I had him in my 100 gallon with my jack Dempsey. They would lip lock often. A month later I moved both of them to my 240 with 3 tinfoil barbs, 4 geos alfatrons, geo balzanii, geo Jupari, female jag, 2 Flagtail Prochilodus and a baby firemouth. He gets along fine with everyone. So in all there is no cookie cutter setup. Hope everything works out for your gt. Looks beautiful.

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 24, 2013
New york
I have not had a problem with any of the green terrors I've had. Of course it all depends on the fish, so you'll just have to wait and see how things turn out. If it were me though, I would not be too worried.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Dec 5, 2010
Always calm for me but I only ever kept 1


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Aug 28, 2013
Hertfordshire, England
Thanks for the responses. I have still not seen any aggression but have noticed the orangeheads will swim in another direction when the come face to face but no signs of chasing etc. The GT does generally seem to be in his own little world and doesnt seem phased by anyone.

I hope it all works out as it will be an awesome stock if it does :)

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