Goonch water flow discussion


MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
Hey guys, I started this to discuss whether or not these catfish need extremely strong current to be happy and thrive. After doing some research, stumbling upon YouTube clips and episodes of river monsters, I am starting to believe that the extremely strong current we all believed that they need is not completely necessary. From my own experiences and the other goonch owners, we know when they are provided a powerhead on the bottom of the tank, they will park themselves right in front of it or the filter output and never leave. But from clips of fisherman catching them in the wild, I noticed that many of these goonches, regardless of where they are found, are being caught in pools where the current is extremely mild or nonexistent. On a clip from Nat Geo's "Monster Fish," the host dove into a pool where there was an abundance of goonches of all sizes just hanging out. I do not know if these pools are where they reside majority of their lives or if it is where they just go to rest to get away from the strong rapids but the point is, they are congregating in these pools. I would just like to get everyone's input, especially the long term goonch owners, on whether or not these fish really do need the strong currents to be happy.

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MFK Member
Oct 24, 2012
Sherwood park Alberta Canada
they come from rivers, so I think it's kinda self explanatory, they do like the high flow, but I think they also require calm areas as well to rest in, so a combination in the tank of both would be a good idea, just my thoughts on it from watching my catfishes in my 240 with 2400 GPH of flow, most of the day they hang out in the high flow areas, later they will hang out behind driftwood or rocks that block the flow waiting in ambush it seems.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2009
they come from rivers, so I think it's kinda self explanatory, they do like the high flow, but I think they also require calm areas as well to rest in, so a combination in the tank of both would be a good idea, just my thoughts on it from watching my catfishes in my 240 with 2400 GPH of flow, most of the day they hang out in the high flow areas, later they will hang out behind driftwood or rocks that block the flow waiting in ambush it seems.
Totally agree. I keep mahseers that come from the same rapid rivers. They swim in and out of current. Definitely need a calm area to hang out. Just my opinion.... I never kept goonch.


MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
So far, it seems like everyone is in favor of providing some sort of current for these guys, which I do agree with, and having calm areas in the tank for them to retreat to. I guess the main question is how much current is necessary since not all of the rivers out there are white rapids and actually very few of the species of goonches are actually found in these rapids. Even those that are found in them, a great number of them will also be found in calm waters. Anymore input guys?

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MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
My Yarrelli and Lica seems to do better without a strong current
Ok so this is exactly what I was thinking. I'm starting to feel that the SE Asian species aren't as picky about current as their Indian cousins. The rivers aren't as violent as they are in India.

Liam: is your yarelli an Indian or commonly sold Thai yarelli? Also, do you provide them with a powerhead on the bottom? If so, how often do you see them hanging out in front of it?

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MFK Member
Sep 14, 2012
Ok so this is exactly what I was thinking. I'm starting to feel that the SE Asian species aren't as picky about current as their Indian cousins. The rivers aren't as violent as they are in India.

Liam: is your yarelli an Indian or commonly sold Thai yarelli? Also, do you provide them with a powerhead on the bottom? If so, how often do you see them hanging out in front of it?

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Indian Yarrelli, I had a powerhead but he hid away from the current all the time.
Heres a photo of him and as you can see he is a typical indian goonch.
10003191_1479892868892830_6926524875138029624_n (3).jpg

10003191_1479892868892830_6926524875138029624_n (3).jpg


MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
Indian Yarrelli, I had a powerhead but he hid away from the current all the time.
Heres a photo of him and as you can see he is a typical indian goonch.
View attachment 1011587
He looks pretty beefy! Looks like an LLG, what Rob and many of us believe should be the true yarelli with HLG being renamed as B. bagarius. I've been lookin for an LLG for quite a while.
Does he completely avoid the current all together or does he hang out in it occasionally? What about your lica?

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