I am currently growing out a lot of baby cichlids for my 300-400g plywood tank I am building. I would like to know about their growth rates relative to each other, because while most of them are growing out in a 90g currently, I'd like to add a few to grow out in my 150g West African tank, because all it's inhabitants are still smaller as well, and I think some of the slower growing species would grow faster in that tank because I feed a lot of live and frozen food to my Elephantnose school. I have heard Green Terrors grow slowly in comparison to Vieja types, so I am planning to put my baby Gold Saum in there to give him a head start. I am also growing out my fire eel in the 150g.
Below is a list of the cichlids (and sunfish actually) I am growing out in various tanks, I'd love to know which ones tend to grow the fastest, and which ones grow the slowest. (I will be probably thinning the fish out as needed, as they grow. I have a great LFS, so that isn't a problem for me.) Thanks!
Astronotus crassipinis x2 ~3"
Heros efasciatus sp. x2 ~3" & 7"
Gold Saum GT x1 ~3"
Paratilapia 'large spot' x1 ~3"
Vieja Synspilum x2 ~6"
Herichthys carpintus x1 ~4"
Firemouth x1~3"
Sajica x1~3"
Vieja Herterospila x1 ~2"
Thorichthys pasiones x3 ~2"
Astatheros robertsoni x1~2"
Blue gene Jack Dempsey x1 ~2"
Nics x2 ~2"
Vieja Regani x2 ~1"
Chuco Micropthalmus x2 ~1"
Herichthys Pearsei x2 ~1"
exCichlasoma Boucourti x1 ~1"
Cryptoheros spilurus x7~1"
Bluegill x1 ~6"
Pumpkinseed sunfish x3 ~2-3"
Rock bass sunfish x1 ~2"
Green sunfish x1 ~2"
Longear sunfish x5 ~1"
Dollar sunfish x5 ~1"
Amphilophus lyonsi (don't have yet)
Hoplarchus psittacus (don't have yet)
Below is a list of the cichlids (and sunfish actually) I am growing out in various tanks, I'd love to know which ones tend to grow the fastest, and which ones grow the slowest. (I will be probably thinning the fish out as needed, as they grow. I have a great LFS, so that isn't a problem for me.) Thanks!
Astronotus crassipinis x2 ~3"
Heros efasciatus sp. x2 ~3" & 7"
Gold Saum GT x1 ~3"
Paratilapia 'large spot' x1 ~3"
Vieja Synspilum x2 ~6"
Herichthys carpintus x1 ~4"
Firemouth x1~3"
Sajica x1~3"
Vieja Herterospila x1 ~2"
Thorichthys pasiones x3 ~2"
Astatheros robertsoni x1~2"
Blue gene Jack Dempsey x1 ~2"
Nics x2 ~2"
Vieja Regani x2 ~1"
Chuco Micropthalmus x2 ~1"
Herichthys Pearsei x2 ~1"
exCichlasoma Boucourti x1 ~1"
Cryptoheros spilurus x7~1"
Bluegill x1 ~6"
Pumpkinseed sunfish x3 ~2-3"
Rock bass sunfish x1 ~2"
Green sunfish x1 ~2"
Longear sunfish x5 ~1"
Dollar sunfish x5 ~1"
Amphilophus lyonsi (don't have yet)
Hoplarchus psittacus (don't have yet)