"Dec 9, 1903 - Whether the timehonored sport of boxing is dead or only sleeping will probably be demonstrated this month so far as Los Angeles is concerned and the Coliseum Athletic Association which has now completed an uptodate."
"Jun 15, 1906 - Jim Neil Declares Boxing Is Dead in New York"
"Jun 1, 1923 - Boxing Is Dead Sport, Says Chicago's Mayor Chicago, May 31. -- Boxing "is a dead sport," Mayor William 13. Dever declared tonight when informed that James Mul- len, promoter of. lust Tuesday's engage- ment between Benny Leonard and Pinkie Mitchell, which ended in a fist fight be- tween ... "
Jun 2, 1942 - Promoters gen erally hold the view that due to In creased taxes they cannot afford "cuts" to that therefore boxing is dead.
Nov 29, 1943 - Others say, yeah, boxing is dead game; it smells like dead game that been lying under the sun for . The optimists and well-wishers that boxing has lost its champs and stars, but that there are still good fights to be seen.
1957- wrestling promoter: I know what this is all about," he declared. The commission is running In the red because boxing is dead and it wants to tap some of the gates we're getting.
Jun 15, 1957 - WHO SAYS BOXING* i IS DEAD. Yesterday morning s sports pages in TV TaimuNz were about the liveliest we have been
un 22, 1960 - Don't tell me boxing is dead. HARRY KECK All it needs is for the people be as honest with themselves in their appraisal of it as they insist that boxing be. For every Jake lamotta in boxing there are thousands of well-meaning boxers, managers and promoters who are on the level and
1962 - Boxing is dead in Baltimore It is almost dead everywhere
Dec 18, 1962 - Boxing is dead or dying in many parts of the world, but in Italy it is a fact.