So both my tanks were looking pretty sad thanks to circumstances. I got rid of my Polys, got rid of my bigger tank, and that leaves me with my planted 29. It's been limping along for months with no ferts, two fish, and really minimal light. I picked up a Finnex FugeRay Plant+ 30" LED fixture; restocked Flourish, Flourish Excel, Flourish Iron, Flourish Trace, and Flourish root tabs; picked up some bundles of stem plants; and tossed in a handful of new fish. The stem plants haven't grown in super well yet, but my Red Crypt, Anubias nana, and especially my amazingly still alive Madagascar Lace are all perking up. It is really nice to have this tank looking good again, and it's only going to get better from here. Anyway, random pics:
My lovely Zebra Nerite:
Getting the snails out of the way, Black Devil Spike Snail cleaning a Malaysian Trumpet Snail:
Male Krib:
Male Krib/Platy/SAE? (too small to tell):
Mid-tank, Male Krib again:
R side, SAE, recovering Madagascar Lace:
Miss Albino BN: