• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
First two pics are my 29g.

Green Myrio
Red Cobamba
Red Crypt
Dwarf Amazon Sword
Anubias Nana
Red Ludwigia
Madagascar Lace
Hygrophilia Polysperma v. "sunset"
Java Moss

Colony of Malaysian Trumpet Snails
1 2.5" Black Devil Spike Snail
1 Zebra Nerite

Fishies (all sizes estimated):
2 2" Rainbow Cichlids (hoping for M/F)
2 2.5" M/F Kribensis
1 3.5" Female Opaline Gourami
1 3" Siamese Algae Eater
1 3.5" Female Albino Bristlenose Pleco
1 4" Striped Raphael Catfish
15? ~1" Harlequin Rasboras
1 2" Bolivian Ram
2 6" Stickfish (F. gracilis)

The rest are from my 10g.
Red Crypt
Hygrophilia Polysperma v. "sunset"
Java Moss

Malaysian Trumpet Snails
5 Cherry Shrimp
5 Ghost Shrimp
1 Clown Pleco
1 Swordtail
1 Variatus
2 Platy
1 Unicorn

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Alright, I finally got some new pics of the 135. Bear with me, it needs to be trimmed.



Here are a couple of updated shots of my downoi plants, which are in my 20 gallon.

Is this about as tall as they get? looking for ideas for my 200g when i set it up for planted.
Cut off some home depot potted plant and submerged the end into my tank.

took about 2 weeks for them to root.

once they get long enough I'll hang them off the canopy.
Last time I did it, it took about a year for them to reach about 10 feet.
My betta tank. (ignore the sister)

-20 litres
-1 betta
-Java Fern
-Christmas moss
-Pygmy swords (im guessing here)
Dragon rock in the back
Absolutely beautiful tanks everyone! So inspiring!

Here is my 30 gallon tank. Just changed substrate from gravel to pool filter sand. Absolutely love it. Actually got 2 more bags and put them in last night. So about 80 lbs in total. I know it's a lot but I really like how it gives me "more" to work with when designing the tank setup. It looks super cool now with the slopes and waves. Love it! Will take better pictures once the water clears a bit more.

I got rid of my fake plants and am trying my hand at a few hardy plants. I don't think I'll overload the tank with plants but I love accenting the tank with them! Would love to add a few more or some grass of some kind eventually.

Also need to stock the tank more, but I've been losing black neons everyday so I need things to stabilize before I do!


All live plants, including duckweed, Brazilian pond penny, watersprite, red rotala, purple ludwigia, melon sword, anubis, and some cool red modeled sword, and some java fern. Lava rocks, and bog wood oh my! 75 gallons of heaven!
