You've bred and raised many faders have you? All of the outer edges of this fish are very light and I see no evidence of any possibility of it fading to a darker shade. If this is a parrot cross (I think it is) than the main color influence that will occur during fading will be from a parrot and that color will be very light and likely yellow judging by the displayed base color of this fish. Just because there is pink on the gills of this fish doesn't mean that's what it will be.Probly a pale pink is more likely than yellow. As far as show piece it's a matter of opinion given it's not particularly in a breeding tank. What would you consider it to be with out being so vague?
I consider this fish to be nothing but a cross of A x B. There is nothing you can call it and there is no similarity to anything that is an established strain. I'm not being any more vague than a fish like this requires. You can call it a super mega rose queen king kong parrot A++++ sunshine Red dragon chicken god of lightning, but it ain't so. It is merely a cross of two fish. Maybe somebody had something in mind when breeding the parents. My guess is the seagrest or whoever heard hell yea we can make Red texas and kamfa flowerhorn and sell the heck out of them it's so easy and all the fry will be cool. Not the case but people are buying them.