Oscars vs. African Cichlids

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2015
I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank with the intent of getting 3-4 Oscars, but my wife wants me to put more fish in the tank. I have heard that African Cichlids are generally smaller than Oscars. If this is true, about how many African Cichlids can I put in a 125 gallon tank? Also, are they as aggressive as Oscars? I was planning feeding Oscars live feeders 2-4 times a month. Will most African Cichlids eat live feeders too? As you can see, I'm new to Cichlids. Thanks in advance for any help.
Of course it depends on the species you choose, but as an example Lake Malawi mbuna (many mature at 6") you could put 5 species with 1m:4f of each in a 72" tank. Feeders would not be recommended for mbuna. It's hard to compare aggression...they are quick and can be aggressive with each other if you do not stock the tank appropriately.
African cichlids you could put more in the tank, and they tend to have more different colours, but they are smaller fish, and tend to not be as interactive as oscars imo.

Also African rift lake cichlids tend to be vegetarians, so require a completely different diet that means no feeders.
And require hard high pH water.
this has got to be a joke thread.
Don't mix Oscars and african cichlids. The come from different continents and should not be mixed together. Pick either Oscars or african cichlids, not both. If you don't know then do some research. Oscars are always available and very common. Why not maybe research african cichlids and see if those are more entertaining. But please don't mix them together.
Oscars are true omnivores, not even sure insectivore a real thing. this make them carnivores and they are not.

do not mix Africans with SA/CA and running Africans involves a higher understanding of fresh water tropic fish than SA/CA to make it work.
Oscars are true omnivores, not even sure insectivore a real thing. this make them carnivores and they are not.

do not mix Africans with SA/CA and running Africans involves a higher understanding of fresh water tropic fish than SA/CA to make it work.
You don't think insectivores are a real thing? Maybe you should check that then. And check the definition of omnivore too. Oscars don't eat plants....
I didn't think Oscars were stricktly (insectivorus?) rather oportunistic predators, so although the staple of there diet would probably be best to be insect based it wouldn't hurt to feed them fish occasionally?

Also I wouldn't say africans take a higher understanding of fish keeping, I would say they both require the same level of knowledge to keep successfully, it is just they require different water condition, and food to thrive.
They are omnivores, in the wild, it fall in the water they eat, berries and the such, The insects they eat are gut loaded with plant mater. They will graze on plants in the wild, or any little fish they can nab. its kinda like black or brown bears. they will eat it no mater what it is. this makes them omnivores.

and in scientific of definition of diet they are omnivores. you want plow your Oscar with protein. not good for him but your choice,