C. Regani "tapajos" possible spawning behavior

darth pike

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2008
Oh, I know they are listed as that. There was a time though where all dwarves showing up in the hobby (except Noto's) were called regani. This was pre-compressiceps era, much like most Geophagus are still listed as surinamensis and most Guianacara are listed as geayi even though we know neither species is prevalent in the hobby.

This is a good thing imo, I enjoy picking up dwarf pikes and trying to figure out what they are. I've bought Noto's from a store listed as regani, sp. Inridiae listed as wallacii, ect.

I have yet to find a description of any regani race north of the amazon proper, the older listing state such all turn out to be Noto, wallacci, ect.

darth pike

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2008
Oh, I know they are listed as that. There was a time though where all dwarves showing up in the hobby (except Noto's) were called regani. This was pre-compressiceps era, much like most Geophagus are still listed as surinamensis and most Guianacara are listed as geayi even though we know neither species is prevalent in the hobby.

This is a good thing imo, I enjoy picking up dwarf pikes and trying to figure out what they are. I've bought Noto's from a store listed as regani, sp. Inridiae listed as wallacii, ect.

I have yet to find a description of any regani race north of the amazon proper, the older listing stating such all turn out to be Noto, wallacii, ect. (ie, the 'regani' from the Rio Negro turned out to be Notos, the 'regani' from the Rio Branco wallacii as two examples).


MFK Member
Jul 8, 2014
So news on the mating front, looks like I might have a female guarding some eggs. There is the tiniest hole in a great big chunk of driftwood that obviously opens up inside and my female has been hanging out in it almost 24/7 and is VERY aggressive to anyone straying too close. This little fish is smashing into and challenging my biggest geos! Very cool. I saw the male with just his back end in the hole the other day and he has been more aggressive as well. Here's the female in her like cave


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 29, 2012
So news on the mating front, looks like I might have a female guarding some eggs. There is the tiniest hole in a great big chunk of driftwood that obviously opens up inside and my female has been hanging out in it almost 24/7 and is VERY aggressive to anyone straying too close. This little fish is smashing into and challenging my biggest geos! Very cool. I saw the male with just his back end in the hole the other day and he has been more aggressive as well. Here's the female in her like cave
Congrats!!! She looks to definitely be guarding something.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 29, 2012
There are no Cr. regani reported from the Orinoco area ... so you will most likely be getting either Cr. wallacii, affin notopthalmus, sp. Orinoco dwarf, or sp. Inridiae dwarf with those ...

Not sure on that second one.
Species orinoco dwarf have been around lately. They are supposed to be smaller than regani when grown. Share pics!
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 8, 2015
Well done Jam toast, good result, next job is to raise them. She will need around 3 days for them to hatch, then up to a week before she brings the fry out free swimming, it's then up to 2 more days before egg sacks dissapear, then it's brine shrimp time, I suggest at least twice a day, and the very best of luck to you.

Chris, looks as though we are of the same ilk, terrific. I have at the moment C.regani Rio negro, last spawned them back in 1990, just spawned them again , about 100 fry at 20 mm.
Then C.regani barcelos, I have 10 of these, about 4 to 5 inch, and 2 females in separate tanks which should both spawn in next couple of weeks. Then C. Notopthalmus purus, only found one female so far amongst 7 fish I have. Then C.notopthalmus , I have 2 pairs of these.
A trio of C.compressiceps which look about to spawn. Two pairs of C.regani Orinoco, just got yesterday, in with some small Retroculus. And lastly, a female notopthalmus like fish, which has a completely full red dorsal fin, with a black ocellii in center, very nice and she's not shy.
that's me at the moment, I too love dwarf pikes, and been keeping them since 1990, I collect from UK, Holland, Belgium and Germany.

darth pike

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2008
Well on all my other fish forums I go by dwarf pike ... so yeah.

You last one sounds like an sp. Inridiae dwarf possibly.

I've kept Noto's, amazon regani, compressiceps, colombian wallacii, one unknown I thought was sp. orinoco dwarf but I started to doubt it given the color changes of her dorsal, and sp. Inridiae dwarf so far ... still need to go the tapajos regani, cirtus dwarf, and heckelii. Someday.

My noto's loved holes in the driftwood like that one. One I only ever say the head poking out of that darned hole lol


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 8, 2015
OK, I go by eartheater3298, I've always been into Eartheaters and pikes, kept all of the eartheaters, and have all except pappaterra at the moment, the 3298, is the last 4 of my army number.
I've had C.saxatils, percna, jugei, and many others, I've bred loads including C.Monoculas and all the Caquetia .
I guess your in the states. I'm at Wakefield, Yorkshire , North of England
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 29, 2012
Well done Jam toast, good result, next job is to raise them. She will need around 3 days for them to hatch, then up to a week before she brings the fry out free swimming, it's then up to 2 more days before egg sacks dissapear, then it's brine shrimp time, I suggest at least twice a day, and the very best of luck to you.

Chris, looks as though we are of the same ilk, terrific. I have at the moment C.regani Rio negro, last spawned them back in 1990, just spawned them again , about 100 fry at 20 mm.
Then C.regani barcelos, I have 10 of these, about 4 to 5 inch, and 2 females in separate tanks which should both spawn in next couple of weeks. Then C. Notopthalmus purus, only found one female so far amongst 7 fish I have. Then C.notopthalmus , I have 2 pairs of these.
A trio of C.compressiceps which look about to spawn. Two pairs of C.regani Orinoco, just got yesterday, in with some small Retroculus. And lastly, a female notopthalmus like fish, which has a completely full red dorsal fin, with a black ocellii in center, very nice and she's not shy.
that's me at the moment, I too love dwarf pikes, and been keeping them since 1990, I collect from UK, Holland, Belgium and Germany.
Thank that's quite a collection. I wasn't aware that there were regani from the rio negro. I'm very curious about them. Please are pics if you can.

As for the notos. What I thought was a male turned out tk be females. I'm not sure why as it didn't have a dorsal spot when I got her and she was about 2.75 inches long. Today, she is closer to 4 inches with a very obvious dorsal spot. Funny thing is, when I into ally recieved the group, I had only 1 female among 9. I added 3 more to get a total of 12 with 1 female who was promptly killed while in qt. The group whittled down to 2 and what I thought was a male became a female.

Just sharing my observations with the hope that you have more than one female hiding in plain sight among your group of 7.