Sounds like an epic tank! Would it not be too many fish tho? I'm getting an 8ft tank soon and would love to stock it with a similar list. I have already 3 salmontail catfish, they're awesome fish, would love a platinum or golden barra
Rainbows would be best.Joining for inspiration. I'd love a 6ft tropical community ank but I am just so scared of heating costs. So I'm thinking a cold water setup. What is there out there in way of peaceful schooling fish?
Othe than that, if I did grow up a yellow belly would he/she get a rich yellow belly in a tank? I really wanted a planted tank but I know they would dig up all the plants. At least my Murray used too.
Tropical species not suitable but there are many that will be fine. Crimson Spots, Desert rainbows, Ornate Rainbows, Murray River etc. Pacific BlueThey need fairly hot water though?