Hello forum! I'm new to Monster Fish Keepers but have been a member of the Planted Tank forum for quite some time. I recently aquire 3 juvenile blood parrots that I am currently housing in my 29 gallon moderately planted tank. I'm having some issues that hopefully you guys can help me with. Thses guys are very aggressive! Despite being small the parrots are constantly picking on one another and fighting. This normally lasts all day untill lights out then they sleep together. I've considered only keeping one parrot but I don't think it would be fair to keep one on its own in the 29. I've also considered keeping all three but upgrading to a 55 gallon setup to hopefully ease the aggression. What should I do? Would it be okay to only keep one? They are roughly 3 inches in size right now, 2 have the iconic deep orange color, and the one is light orange. I've had them for exactly a week, they are staring to be more active. Water parameters are in check, temp is a stable 78 degrees.