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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 29, 2016
North Olmsted, Ohio
Picked up a 265 a few months back for 400 bucks due to a leaky seal. After resealing it and months of selecting what fish and what kind of setup I want to run I am finally about complete. Fish are in it and they are happy but I am still fine tuning for the next few weeks. Guess I should list the goods first before pictures.

84" X 24"x 31" 265 gallon tank
Fluval FX4 filter (picked it up today)
supreme mag drive return pump for sump 950 gph
54g brute tote as sump
3x home depot plastic shelves for sump tower wet/ dry trickle
maxspect 150 gyre
sun sun 304b
eheim 300w heater
Lifereef overflow box
1 x 30" finnex planted 24/7 light
1 x 48" finnex planted 24/7 light
pool filter sand for substrate
multiple types of jap mat covering phosphates, carbon, polishing, regular floss, and the foam kind
biohome ultimate media, seachem matrix, bioballs, and random medias that came with previous canisters
carbon/ ammonia remover mix (the milk carton) Only running carbon until I am sure all levels are fine, then increasing biomedia.
As soon as the fish in my 55g are sold off and given away I will be replacing the tote with an actual 55g tank and inserting my baffles so that I can use my k1 media in one chamber and a holding area in another chamber.
The sun sun 304b I am running inside of my final chamber of sump for polishing, bio, and uv sterilization purposes until I can take my uv sterilizer from other tank and replace it. (Not hooked up in pictures at the moment i was taking pictures)
The circulation in my tank is absolutely fantastic but may even be a hair high. The fish will have to adapt because i love not having dead spots and not having collection zones of filth on the floor of the tank. The gyre gives a nice undertow to the tank. I know its meant for saltwater but a lack of dead spots is fantastic for any tank imo.
Tank half stocked at the moment: 10xColumbian Tetras, 10xRoseline Sharks, 2x Super Red Severums, 1x Black Ghost Knife, 2x rubber lip plecos. Waiting on 7 red head tapajos on order, and maybe a fire eel or random fish i find down the way.

Well thats my setup so far, let me know what you guys and gals think about her.20160716_152357_1468701489287_resized.jpg 20160716_152326_1468701490857_resized.jpg 20160716_151437_1468699725163_resized.jpg 20160716_151406_1468699727387_resized.jpg 20160716_151351_1468699722738_resized.jpg 20160716_151330_1468699720513_resized.jpg 20160716_151259_1468699716311_resized.jpg
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Reactions: Angelphish
Lol so the fx4 gets more attention than tank lmao
It sure jumped out at me in your post,I thought it was a mistype until I read further lol.
Nice going so far.I too have a 265 that I have had to reseal a few years ago and I have yet to get it fully going with a dedicated heat and filtration set up.So,what kind of heater are you running,I didn't see any mention of it?
Just running an eheim 300 watt for heat laying in the bottom of the sump actually.
Inside the sump I went with biohome ultimate,various stages of filter floss from regular to phosphate and carbon flosses. Seachems matrix and bioballs mixed in as well. As soon as my other tank is empty I will run k1 media with a UV sterilizer as well. So far it seems to stay clean but I m not sure how I am going to keep the future Geo's fed. My 2 schools of fish don't let any food drop before they have claimed it.