My polys


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 12, 2014
Nothing new I am pretty happy with what I have for the moment poly wise. Del is getting huge but still has one little external gil antler... kinda wonder if he is gonna keep it. He is shapped almost like a red wiffle ball bat cus he eats so dang much.

Sens are all the same and my gold dust refuses to get big enough to move. ( he ate a krib and a ram tho) He has been eating his massivore much more lately tho so I have hope.

I am gonna change up some stock soon tho Local club auction is sat gonna get rid of a lot of things I do not realy want at this point and grab a harem for my EB Acara and my wild caught Red Hump Geo.
Will set up a 29 gallon tonight in case I find something shiney while I am there gonna sell all my smaller tanks this time Not gonna use em If I get new ones it will be to go bigger. ( maybe some one there will be selling a larger tank :D)
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 1, 2016
Yey bay bay
Most or all the cb endli and a couple ornate? How many are you down to now?
I had 8 cb endli and sold 6, so i have 2 cb endli left.
For ornate i still have 2 left, other 4 is gone.
All my UJ are gone. I still have 17 left,
Tinkisso endli x2
Faranah endli x2
Ansorgii x2
Nigerian lap x3
Volta endli x2
Congicus x2
Ornate x2
Cb endli x2

Just got tired of the Cb endli after having WC endli,
They just look different but i still left two CB endli for my self, and im trying to make room for 3 WC laps, lolz.