yea? 7-7.5" is still too young to tell??all I am willing to lean twords is a female from the pics I can see well. But they are young so, educated guess at best.
yea? 7-7.5" is still too young to tell??all I am willing to lean twords is a female from the pics I can see well. But they are young so, educated guess at best.
yeaaaa, cant wait for him to get big- id' say he's around 6" - they don't grow like the Channel cats, man.....I think my Colombian Sharks or my Gibbiceps Sailfin Pleco are probably the 2nd fastest growers I have, then all the others are slow - Pictus, 4-lined, Raphaels, Asian Bumblebee, Sun/Eclipse, Lima Shovelnose (surprisingly), Synodontis.....then again, I think 5" is full grown for Spotted Pimelodus, right? maaaaaybe get 'em to 6", but not likely. He thinks he's a Colombian Shark....he schools with them feeds w/ them, everything w/ them....he's gonna be PISSED when I move them to the Moray tank and graduate them to BrackishDang nice little 4 line pim in there too
not bad
he's around 22" I think? could be a little less, and come on man do I ever have pictures? haha. I MAY take one tonighth
how big is yours?? got some pix?
strange, my lima (elongatus) and 4 line grew very quickly up until the hit about 8in. markthen all the others are slow - Pictus, 4-lined, Raphaels, Asian Bumblebee, Sun/Eclipse, Lima Shovelnose (surprisingly), Synodontis....
well, u got a 300 gallon Native tank, i'm sure there's only a few hundred people that would like to see that.........he's around 22" I think? could be a little less, and come on man do I ever have pictures? haha. I MAY take one tonight
my Lima IS around that size, but the issue is it a very very picky eater, won't touch pellets - wont eat anything except Silversides, Bloodworms and Earthworms. I give her fresh Tilapia, she spits it out. Wont eat Clams, Krill, Shrimp, Beefheart, none of it. She is true Lima also, not an elongatusstrange, my lima (elongatus) and 4 line grew very quickly up until the hit about 8in. mark
however my sun cat was a little slow in terms of growth as well, the syno and the raph are typically slow growers as far as I know. I've never kept an asian bumblebee so I wouldn't know. Pictus I have are growing at a pretty decent pace I would say they've probably grown about a half inch in the month I've owned them.