Jan 12, 2017
I've had my puffers for about a week now. I just moved them into their own 40 gallon tank three days ago. I went to my local petco yesterday and get the saltwater api kits for nitrate and ammonia levels. I couldn't get the others because they were out. Anyways I've checked my levels for the two and my ammonia is perfect at 0ppm, but my nitrates are at 80ppm. I'll be doing 50% water changes every day for the next few days to lower that to a more acceptable levels, but do you have any tips to help keep them low enough? It's worth mentioning that I've just started slowly adding saltwater to the tank yesterday, to raise the salinity to proper brackish levels (it's currently at a specific gravity of 1.004), so I'm using the sw color chart, not the freshwater. I added two cups of saltwater to the tank so far. Also I've found several differing parameters so can you tell me what the correct water parameters are? Oh yeah the water temp is 80 f
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
Temp is okay at 80. True brackish can fit into a pretty wide range but if you are looking for a set specific gravity to shoot for 1.010 is considered to be half strength sea water. A GSP can eventually be kept in full strength sea water conditions. The main thing is to make changes slowly until you reach your goal and then remain constant. Consistency is more important than a certain set number.
Jan 12, 2017
Okay cool, thanks! I can do that, what about my other parameters? I read you have to have all of the parameters perfect for GSP's.
Temp is okay at 80. True brackish can fit into a pretty wide range but if you are looking for a set specific gravity to shoot for 1.010 is considered to be half strength sea water. A GSP can eventually be kept in full strength sea water conditions. The main thing is to make changes slowly until you reach your goal and then remain constant. Consistency is more important than a certain set number.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
Okay cool, thanks! I can do that, what about my other parameters? I read you have to have all of the parameters perfect for GSP's.
You say your ammonia is 0 and your natrates are 80 but you are doing water changes so that should lower the nitrates, assuming your replacment water is okay. Thats the best thing to do to lower your nitrates. I dont really know what you mean by all your parameters.
Is there something else you have a question about?
Jan 12, 2017
The water should be fine. It's the reverse osmosis water you get at those water filtration places. I tested it with the two tests I have and they both came back at 0. O was just wondering where all the parameters should be at since I can't get a solid answer. I'm talking about the ph level and nitrite. UOTE="BIG-G, post: 7653786, member: 5374"]You say your ammonia is 0 and your natrates are 80 but you are doing water changes so that should lower the nitrates, assuming your replacment water is okay. Thats the best thing to do to lower your nitrates. I dont really know what you mean by all your parameters.
Is there something else you have a question about?[/QUOTE]


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Just make sure your nitrite and ammonia levels are always zero when you test your water. The ph and nitrate levels should stay stable with weekly water changes.