When I plan to have a planted tank with large cichlids like a jack, I buy them young. I give the roots of my vallisnera, rotalas, s repens, and bacopa around a year for their roots to grow very strong while the very young jack is growing. I use eco complete and I tend to not see Jack's uproot plants with that substrate. Right now I have no problems with my jack and other plants.I have a 60 gallon planet tanks with 2 Geophagus right now. I know the the JD will up root plants, but will he rip them or eat them? Thanks
One of my friends instead just covers all the stems and plants areas with rocks so that the cichlids arent able to pick up the gravel and uproot the plants.I've read that the best plants to have with Cichlids are Anubias and Java Ferns -- I feel like they will personally nibble at any plant depending on the Cichlid though. My Java Ferns are known to uproot as well but the guy I bought them from fish-lined them to some (what looks like) Cocoa Fiber and they have not uprooted even with all the bubblers and circulation pump I have going on.