Sounds good and is a possibilityAfrican butterfly fish?
if you want a aggressive mini monster wet pet get a hoplias microlepis.Got a 40 gallon feeder. Need help finding fish for it. Preferably one fish that's pretty big. I've had a cichlid tank before so I'm not a begginer. I'd prefer to not have substrate like sand or gravel so I don't have to vacuum the bottom. I have family that has had plenty of fish before so I also have help from them if needed. I know my tank is too small for an arowana but something aggressive is what I'm looking for. If possible something I can feed with pellets and supplement with feeder fish.Thank you have a nice day
Gulpers are pretty big, I wouldn't recommend them.If you want to feed feeders, I would second another member's suggestion for a gulper cat. Although it's a bottom dweller, it is very unique.
Keep in mind with feeders though, you want to avoid feeders with thiamese (spelling?) because this will eventually kill your fish. So, no feeder goldfish.
Other than that, I'm not as familiar with free swimming predatory fish but I'm sure there are plenty of options of predatory cichlids that could be kept by themselves. I'm not sure about them but maybe someone can chime in on jack dempsey or electric blue jack dempsey. Severum, terror, small wolf fish breed?
Again, I'm not quite sure about these options but hopefully some others can chime in on them.
I do very much like the flower horn idea. Does any one know where to find some ? Appoximate price? Dealers near D.C. Area? Or online?I think you can pull off a solitary grammode in that tank. IMO, they don't get too big for a 40b (and take forever to grow anyways) and they can have spunky personalities and will eat feeders. You can grow one out and rehome/upgrade the tank later. Just keep up with water changes.
Cuban is also a possibility.
Or you could go with the flowerhorn idea and just get a shortbody flowerhorn that won't top 8" full grown.