@markstrimarman - What flowrate are you using through the denitrator? Is the 30gph circulation pump separate or inline?
Thanks Mark. I know some people want to dose as little as possible so it's good to have a better idea of where that might be.I have multiple 5 gallon buckets with ages anoxic water, I will switch buckets, to start a new batch, this will give be better data, on how much sugar to use.
Were you able to get any growth with the cheapo lights ?
Was thinking id i spray paint the purigen reactor black and throw in the screen and a sumbersible light maybe its worth a try. Dont want all the algae growing all over the sump.
Anu suggestions on a cheapish sumbersible light that will fit in a 1 gallon jug ?
What wavelength are the blues? I'd think 420-430nm would work better than 460nm blue.markstrimaran said:Remodeled with 660nm red, I left 8 blues alone.