Amazing fish right there!!
Thank you Mattison!Amazing fish right there!!
Thank you dan518Really nice
sure you canSeriously, I couldn't dream this BIG.
He is going out very nicely! I cant wait myself.Will be curious to see how the plat pacu looks when it gets real fat
Wolf always wins hahaWolf wins! Whos next?
That stupid 'white shark' killed my plat azul overnight...Uh oh, who did the wolf eat exactly? And how big was it? Sure looks like a big meal lol. Also curious how the pacu will turn out when larger
30 cm mealThat's one big meal for the wolf.
Thank you CaptainBirdsEye! I am glad you enjoyed reading this threadThis is excellent!
.....and so humble. That's cool.
Can't imagine the food bill on this lot! & I'm only on post 240!
It keeps getting better......
If I'm ever on any coast of America, please, I'd have to see whatever was nearby.
You know, if you're about.
Nice return to Fishkeeping..... Probably the best I'll ever see!
So how about a current list of tanks and stock in each of them? Would be a great readThank you Mattison!