LONDON cichlid keepers

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jan 22, 2017
I thought I'd open a forum for the people of LONDON to show what we keep and how are set ups look.

I'm a big fan of the American cichlids so all you in London keeping these beautiful large or small American cichlids this is your chance to show what you have. Don't have to be American cichlids you can just show off your cichlids in general.

Even if you need info or want help from someone local this is the place for it.
If this takes off we could look into getting a photo/fish of the month combo going ( if this is allowed ).

Something I'd put to a administrator if people were interested in having this type of competition for the London fishkeeper.

Let's see how much attention this thread gets

It quite London... but just south of Reading. These are my big two in the 220g... I love the ocscar but he picks fights with all the other fish! Hence why he is rehabbing a few injuries, but he is a big chunky boy and recovers well. The frontosa is now the boss of the tank and pushes the oscar around... but ignore everything else!




And these are my grow outs.... as it's so hard to find large fish to add to the 220g. The PB is an Orinoco I believe and I have 3 RTM but all very small and female, the last one was sold to me as a Red Devil but it'd colouration is wrong so I think it's a barred Midas and might go back to the lfs when grown out. Anyway figured I would be the first to post. I have a nine of other fish as well including a huge fahaka and 2 channa stewartii in the 220g and a Africa cichlid/grown out 100g.



If this takes off we could look into getting a photo/fish of the month combo going ( if this is allowed ).

Something I'd put to a administrator if people were interested in having this type of competition for the London fishkeeper.

Let's see how much attention this thread gets

Wasn't even enough for the whole of MFK last time, the mod managing it isn't available to manage it atm.
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I've asked for thread to be deleted as it's not getting much love and as you said it's not going to be able to be managed
I'm discussing it with some people ;)

May make a comeback one day
I'd like it, I'm up for winning some badges and compos I think my tank and stock has what it takes lol.