Hi, just signed up as I've been trawling the net for info on CA & SA cichlids, as I'm going to start up again after about 25 years away. I had CA cichlids before, but there were only a few shops with them and they've all gone, now I wouldn't know where to look . as this was a London thread, I thought asking here may be a good place to ask, any pointers to any shops inside the M25, or Surrey,Kent,Sussex way that have a good stock of cichlids, not just run of the mill ones like JD,convicts,FM etc etc.I would prefer smaller to mid size fish, possibly 6" - 8", such as Nicaraguans, Rostratus, Panamensis or similar. I know it is all a bit up in the air at the moment, but any help would be appreciated. Haven't got the tank yet, so no real rush.
PS, Andy Woods, what a character.