Thanks man! Glad everyone thought I was getting an ornate. They are my favorite afterall. Just figured with the current tank size and fast growth, it would be harder to take care of one at this time. So i picked the smaller upper jaws, that don't get as big....which I can still keep in a good size tank. At this time, It will be much easier to upgrade to a 75 or 90 or 125 tank in a year....maybe 180 if I'm lucky..... than a 250-300.You're all over the map how we supposed to guess that! geeeez.
Jk cant wait to see happy pics!
She's thiccc. Wetspot hooked me up! She's super personable, nice and healthy. Has to be longer than 5 inch, even though was labeled as such.Way cool! Nice trio there. That moke is a phatty
Here are some more pics. That delhezi needs a good fattening up especially! Thank you to you, Vancouver_98683 , and DMD123 for introducing to WetSpot. They did a great job picking out fish and shipping them in a safe and speedy fashion.2" is so tiny!
We need WAY better pics soon!
Wet Spot is a master at shipping. They should do fine. Time to fatten them up now!
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