Remarkable, 5 spots are climbing my list of future fish to keep. You don't need a huge tank for them either right? They're probably better off kept in a species tank due to their aggression?
Depends on which species of 5 Spots
Hemichromis Elongatus max size: 6"
Hemichromis Frempongi max size: 9"
Hemichromis Fasciatus max size: 12"
75g can Home an Hemichromis Elongatus pair and Hemichromis Frempongi pair for a bit. 75g will last a year for a pair of Hemichromis Fasciatus as well. Hemichromis Fasciatus will get yo around 8" within first year providing good water quality.
Hemichromis Fasciatus most aggressive and I'd recommend to an "intermediate" to "advanced" aquarists.
Hemichromis Elongatus and Hemichromis Frempongi around to bad. They can't hang with any big dogs of that helps.
The 5 Spot crowd is growing slowly but surely. Probably shipped out around 700 fry with the last 8 months. That may not seem like much but, the most I've done since 2011/2012.
I like them due to their rareness in the hobby and not requiring large tanks to keep.
People seem amazed when they visit me and see all 8 tanks filled with 5 spots