One thing I have noticed is hikari gold is a very clean food, I find nls mashes up and clouds the water much more. It also floats plenty long enough to remove any in eaten food. Good if your well stocked with cichlids that make a mess, indirectly at least in my experience the lack of clouds of fine mush means more is going in the fish and less is polluting your tank, one more thing worth considering other than just the nutritional value.
Hey Justin, not picking on you, but generally speaking, if/when fish are creating a cloud of mush, dust, or whatever, it is due to one of two things.
1. too much food being consumed at once, which in the chaos of a community feeding frenzy of fish creates a lot of chewing, and a lot of finer particles making their way back into the tank water, or
2. too large of a pellet being fed to the fish. Some folks think that feeding 6-10mm pellets to a 12 inch cichlid is optimum, when a 3-4mm would be more ideal for consumption, and overall digestibility. As you know I feed NLS, and have trialed many brands of foods over the years, and never have the issue that you have described.
And like tiger15, after reading ingredients I give all food the sniff test. Fish/krill/shrimp based food should smell like those primary ingredients, just as herbivore food should smell like seaweed/algae.