Starfire / low iron glass: worth it?

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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 29, 2009
Hey all. I've been looking at new tanks recently, and I've been thinking of Starfire glass for the front panel. Thus far, the quotes I've received have all had a 20 to 30% premium on the overall cost of the tank for the low iron glass. I know that low iron is considered a must have for a reef, but is it really worth it for our big, drab monsters?

I want it, but I don't know if it'll read be worth such a mark up. It's also worth noting that starfire glass isn't available in sizes that are as large as regular glass, so it would slightly limit how big I could go.
Depends really, for big fish I'd say no. Only time it's worth it (In my opinion) is for when absolute clarity is required such as in high-end aquascapes or reef tanks. Acrylic is always available too?
I think on larger tanks with thicker glass it may be well worth the extra $$. If I ever get around to working on my plywood build again I will probably go with the low iron glass.

I've had 2 of the 300 marineland starfire front aquariums and in my opinion it it not worth the extra cost. When looking through the side or the front there is not much of a difference. That is at 1/2" glass.
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Here's a few pics from an angle getting in both side and front to compare. I could honestly not tell the difference. My opinion not worth it. The only time I noticed was when it was on a Rimless smaller tank like the old 75 gallons I had. With them I feel I could only tell because I can see the blue and green difference from the top. Other then that clarity is not that different. That picture above is probably modified in some way. I have never seen regular glass even look that green, must be a lighting difference or something. Look through your windows and it doesn't even look like that


Here's a few pics from an angle getting in both side and front to compare. I could honestly not tell the difference. My opinion not worth it. The only time I noticed was when it was on a Rimless smaller tank like the old 75 gallons I had. With them I feel I could only tell because I can see the blue and green difference from the top. Other then that clarity is not that different. That picture above is probably modified in some way. I have never seen regular glass even look that green, must be a lighting difference or something. Look through your windows and it doesn't even look like that

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Good first hand info. The guy I bought my 250 DD from (a reefer) had ordered a all starfire replacement and was going on and on about the clarity of LIG. Maybe more about bragging rights than the actual difference though.
Good first hand info. The guy I bought my 250 DD from (a reefer) had ordered a all starfire replacement and was going on and on about the clarity of LIG. Maybe more about bragging rights than the actual difference though.
That's the thing. I feel most like to just say I have starfire glass lol. I would get it on a small tank if Rimless. 40 gallons or less as the price difference isn't crazy
I agree with Matt, to my eyes not much if any difference in larger tanks.
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Thanks for the info guys. You all likely just saved me a couple thousand dollars lol.

I couldn't imagine that it would make that much of a difference, especially since this plan I'm beginning to work on only involves the front panel being visible anyway. The other three would be blacked out and the bottom would have sand.

Has anyone used glasscages?