I dont see the connection between the two
Hello; The point I am making is that this forum is a private site and can make rules that govern how you and I express ourselves. We are not to discuss religion for an example. The mods get to censor that speech and other speech including vulgar speech.
This notion that freedom of speech includes the opportunity to protest any place and any time is not correct. The players and you and I have a freedom of expression guaranteed by the constitution but not on private property. I can have you removed from my front yard even if you are there to express and use the right to free speech.
Perhaps the word "free" is the sticking point. My take is that it means we are able express any thoughts we happen to believe "freely. No restrictions on what we chose to say. That sort of "free" speech. Not freedom to be able to hold forth any place we want.
This forum can and does restrict our speech and in doing so our ability to protest, praise or otherwise make written expression, but only on the private site.
There are places where each of us can and many do use the 1st amendment to it's full extent. Those places do not include my yard, this forum and a football stadium. That the NFL is allowing these protests to continue is within the bounds as a business decision, but I do not have to watch the games nor do I have to buy the products advertised during a game.
Another way to consider the situation that I heard on TV this morning. There can be as many as 90,000 fans standing at attention with hand over heart during the anthem and the presentation of the flag. While on the playing field some players are on a knee. My guess being this is a bad way to run a business and also the cause of the players is being harmed.
I was in the local Wal-Mart today. Saw a man wearing a t-shirt stating " I stand for the anthem". I like it and the local veterans club is selling them. I hope to get one.