Best way to cover live rock in Coraline Algae

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MFK Member
May 28, 2012
st clair shores
so just thinking what is the best way to get Coralline algae to completely cover the live rock in a tank? I know it would entail lots of cleaning of glass and everything else to keep it only on the rock but would it just be light and flow? Also would the algae covered live rock then become less effective in being a bio filter?
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Calcium and Alkalinity will both affect coraline growth as well as light and flow. Phosphates and nitrates need to be kept low as well. If you meet these conditions coraline will grow fairly quickly.

As fas as the biological activity it should not be diminished by the coraline because most of the activity takes place inside the rock.

It will help with algae control to a point. I have found that the green and brown surface algae tend not to grow on coraline.
I dont think that the coaline itself does much for filamentous algaes.
It seem that good coraline growth conditions are also unfavorable to some fibrous algae like hair algae.
So by meeting the needs of the coraline, a happy coincidence is you will also be lowering the amounts of things that other algae need to grow.
Calcium and Alkalinity will both affect coraline growth as well as light and flow. Phosphates and nitrates need to be kept low as well. If you meet these conditions coraline will grow fairly quickly.

As fas as the biological activity it should not be diminished by the coraline because most of the activity takes place inside the rock.

It will help with algae control to a point. I have found that the green and brown surface algae tend not to grow on coraline.
I dont think that the coaline itself does much for filamentous algaes.
It seem that good coraline growth conditions are also unfavorable to some fibrous algae like hair algae.
So by meeting the needs of the coraline, a happy coincidence is you will also be lowering the amounts of things that other algae need to grow.

Basically it is good water parameters and time that will lead to this. If you keep the tank health over time it will really start to thrive.
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The isssue is that most corals like the water a little dirty which fosters hair and turf algae. Shoot for standard calcium, alk and mg and po3 around .03 and no3 at 5-10ppm. The key is a strong CUC
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