It’s a fairly small tank for two gg, the red will be the one being picked on, you’ll have to watch it closely, and be prepared to rehouse one at some stage.
I have two in a 11’ tank, and have added wood where my red will hide if the attention from the grey becomes too much.
I also have oscars and a couple of other larger fish so the grey has other fish to focus her attention on.
I’m glad you moved the Aro, gg generally will want to dominate the surface level, and probably would have killed the Aro.
I have two in a 11’ tank, and have added wood where my red will hide if the attention from the grey becomes too much.
I also have oscars and a couple of other larger fish so the grey has other fish to focus her attention on.
I’m glad you moved the Aro, gg generally will want to dominate the surface level, and probably would have killed the Aro.