Yes, quite certain the one on your picture is a female, ha, ha, quite beautiful as well....
I was reading more on the subject on the Russian websites. The info is quite repetitive around several websites but suprisingly detailed.
They describe how to trigger clown loaches to spawn. The flow needs to be circular and the tank corners filled with "........", couldn't understand what but its a special sort of set up, in order for the circular flow not to be slowed down when it hits the corners....I am guessing my round tank would be quite suitable, ha, ha.
It is important to use a very strong pump. They call the pump "вертушка" and it is not something sold for aquariums, but a custom made pump that creates a very strong circular flow......I am not much help here...but that's all I could get on this particular matter.
They advise the bottom to be sand and round stones.The flow needs to be swiping strongly over the stones and the flow is of big importance to trigger the fish to spawn, and the size of the spawn itself. The fish lay the eggs on the stones/right on the sand, etc..
Once the fish lay the eggs, the pump is to be switched off and normal aquarium aeration resumed. Good oxygenation is to be ensured. Viable eggs are completely transparent and start increasing in size within 3 hours, and floating in the flow, so one needs to prevent them from being sucked into filters. In about 3 hours non-viable eggs will turn completely white.
The fish spawn in a ratio of 3-4 males to 1 female. The males turn grey/green/ash colour during spawn, the females remain bright yellow(egg colour) with dark black stripes.
The temperature in which fish are conditioned and eggs layed needs to be 24-26C to ensure best quality of eggs/the least deformity.
The eggs hatch in about 18-20 hours. The fry grow very slowly, to about 1.5 cm in 1 month. The fry would hide in dark corners of the aquarium in the very first few days, and are very sensitive the first month. They swim mid water and only get to the substrate for food......
And forgot, the majority of info says the fish has to be minimum 5 years old and at that age they're minimum 12cm long.
And also same thing about females being rounder, with a slight bulge around the belly area...
There was probably more. I'll add it as I remember. The above info is from 1991!!