Gymnothorax tile Care help ( FW snowflake eel)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 19, 2018
I came across this guy at my LFS and I just HAD to have him. Me myself, I love exotic freshwater fish. So this is my first attempt to go brakish. I would like to gather any info or tips I can about this eel. I do have a 55gal that’s empty I’m going to be turning into a brakish water aquarium for the eel and my Colombian shark.
1) how long can the eel love in freshwater? But not long enough to hurt the fish. I’d rather make the steps in the right direction now than later.
2) any care tips? Such as temps, what to feed, tankmates, etc.

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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
I believe a lot have had them months and then die after purchase. This has always been a complaint with these eels. Would convert them over to brackish right away.

Would keep the tank completely covered.

Temps of 78 degrees should be fine. Feed any meaty foods.

Tankmates would be other larger brackish fish like monos and larger scats and gobies.


MFK Member
Oct 31, 2017
I came across this guy at my LFS and I just HAD to have him. Me myself, I love exotic freshwater fish. So this is my first attempt to go brakish. I would like to gather any info or tips I can about this eel. I do have a 55gal that’s empty I’m going to be turning into a brakish water aquarium for the eel and my Colombian shark.
1) how long can the eel love in freshwater? But not long enough to hurt the fish. I’d rather make the steps in the right direction now than later.
2) any care tips? Such as temps, what to feed, tankmates, etc.

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Cute G.Tile. You don't have to go full brackish, at least not right away. Aim for 1.005 sg for the first month, then gradually raise to 1.008-1.010 sg (full brackish).

Ideal food for G. tile are defrosted frozen seafood (chopped shrimps, calamari etc). For new speciment, live river shrimps will do until it learn to eat frozen food.

All FW Morays need hiding places. PVC pipes does the trick for mine. After a few weeks of hiding, it will slowly adapt itself to the new aquarium and begin searching for food.


Keep the temperature and PHs equal to tropical waters's

Don't keep them with swift fishes (such as cichlids etc), they are rather slow in searching for food, swift/quick fishes would have consumed their food long before the eel find it.

Don't forget to cover the aquarium top, they are adventurous and WILL attempt to escape.

Keep the water quality at the best. Lots of oxygen and strong filtration.